Complexity Explorer Santa Few Institute

UCR Application Tutorial

Lead instructor: Education Staff

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2.4 collaborative experience » 2

One experience comes to mind specifically because of the time it occurred: spring 2020. In a design course I was taking, the students were split into groups that would work together for the duration of the semester. My group contained myself and two other students I had never met.

At the beginning of our work together, we spent a few hours thinking through the path ahead and setting expectations for what our responsibilities were as teammates. Because of this, I knew exactly what my group wanted from me, so any anxiety about underperformance was dispelled immediately. Those first few hours helped us build trust in each other. That trust saved us from a lot of stress throughout the semester. I learned the importance of these few hours of planning.

We also made a habit of meeting together every Monday evening to discuss the project. Even if we did not think there was much to say, we met together (and, funnily enough, there was always a lot to say). Mid-way through the semester, when the pandemic began, we were separated from each other, but we continued to meet virtually. This consistency was vital to our success as a team and our enjoyment of the process.

Through this experience, I learned the importance of setting expectations as a team and the importance of consistent communication.