Complexity Explorer Santa Few Institute

UCR Application Tutorial

Lead instructor: Education Staff

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2.2 appeal of complex systems » 1

It turns out that I’ve been interested in studying complex systems for quite a while, though I wouldn’t have phrased it that way before reading up on the Santa Fe Institute. I’m interested in renewable energy policy development, which encompasses politics, engineering, economics, environmental science, and more, many of which are complex systems. Working with experts in the study of systems like this would be an incredible opportunity to learn about complexity in
general and how it applies to my specific interests. The Santa Fe Institute’s unabashed embrace of interdisciplinary research is incredibly exciting to me, because I’ve never been able to stick to just STEM or social science, I find them both too interesting and too important. The opportunity to work with a group that not only accepts my multifaceted interests, but encourages them, is very appealing to me, and I hope I’m able to participate in that opportunity this summer.