Complexity Explorer Santa Few Institute

UCR Application Tutorial

Lead instructor: Education Staff

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4.1 letters of recommendation » how to ask

Asking for a letter of recommendation might feel awkward or intimidating. Usually this happens when you don't know the person that well. It may help to plan to have a few conversations with them about your interests and goals prior to asking them for a letter. If that opportunity is not available, don't worry and just ask anyway. The worst that can happen is that they will say no. And if that happens, ask someone else.


Another common worry is that someone will write a negative letter. This should never happen and very, very rarely does. If someone is unable to write a positive recommendation, either because they don't know you well enough or perhaps because you did not perform up to their expectations, they will most likely decline to write a letter. Some people will be explicit about this (e.g. "I don't think I can write a strong letter for you"), while others may be more vague (e.g. "I don't really have time right now"). It is to your advantage to interpret any hesitancy on their part as a "no" and find someone else. If you have any doubt, you can ask directly if the person will be able to write a positive recommendation for you.


A request for a letter of recommendation can be initiated either in person or by email, but it is essential that you provide a formal request and instructions by email so that your recommender and you have a record of the agreement. You can find an email template below by which to initiate a request for a recommendation letter for the SFI UCR program. You may, of course, create your own.


Dear [______],


[If you don't know the person well, you first might remind them how you know each other, e.g., "I am a student in your PHYS 12 course", "I was the lab assistant for BIO 100 in Spring 2022", "I am working at the computer lab help desk during the 2022-2023 year"]


I am applying to the Undergraduate Complexity Research summer program at the Santa Fe Institute. I would like to ask you to write a letter of recommendation for the program on my behalf. I would appreciate your recommendation because [a very brief reason why you chose this person, e.g., "you know my interest in topology from MATH 135", "you have supervised my work over the past year", "you are familiar with my performance in our group project about climate change", etc. ].


The letter is due January 11, 2023.


If you are willing to provide a recommendation for me, I will send you a brief outline of my interest in and qualifications for the program and my CV/résumé, along with further details about the letter format and submission process.


If there is any other information I can provide, please let me know.


[End with your preferred closing and name]