Complexity Explorer Santa Few Institute

UCR Application Tutorial

Lead instructor: Education Staff

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2.2 appeal of complex systems » 3

Systems are one of the best ways to show the elegance and beauty in the world. The ability to see how sometimes seemingly unrelated things connect to each other creates a lovely way to start to understand that there is an underlying logic to the universe. Both my major and minor study systems. Being able to use math to model and describe events that happen in our daily lives helps to make sense of the world around us. I also think that it is amazing that the world
itself reflects our mathematical system in ways that sometimes feel arbitrary (like the idea of spirals in plants typically forming in numbers of the Fibonacci series). I also study linguistics which immediately defines language as a system. Not only is each language a system of communication for a particular group of people, but languages also connect to each other in larger systems. Through my work at school, I have seen that there are lots of opportunities for
specific research that stays within a field and that looking at complex systems allows you to use different disciplines as lenses to look at others through. This allows for the understanding and connection that can help to see bigger pictures and see different perspectives. I see the study of complex systems as a way to connect my areas of interest to each other and hopefully to the broader world in ways that build understanding of the world around us.