Complexity Explorer Santa Few Institute

Introduction to Complexity (2021)

Lead instructor:

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5.1 Welcome to Unit 5 » Welcome to Unit 5 from Instructor Santiago Guisasola

Hi everyone,

Here we go… week 5 of Intro to Complexity!

Is everybody doing well? If you have any concerns I invite you to send me an email.

For those of you who have finished Unit 4 last week, I hope you saw how the information theory concepts are important tools in complexity sciences. For those of you who are done with Unit 4, had you seen these ideas before or were these concepts brand new to you?

Unit 5 talks about genetic algorithms. Here solutions are found by following a process of evolution. If something works, then it will be reinforced in a population. If it doesn’t… nope! Slowly, after many repetitions, the solutions become better and better.

Thank you everybody. Have a great week.
