In, in this one-dimensional Turing machine each row is another time step, and so the space-time diagram is two-dimensional. We have one space dimension and one time dimension. So, what about another question in two dimensions, which is analagous to our NP-Complete question that we had of whether tiles of a certain shape can be placed to fill in with no gaps or overlaps a certain target overall shape. But let's ask an infinite version of this question. So, Wang tiles are little squares where on each of their edges there is a color, and, when we stick them together, these colors have to match along their shared edge. So, there's a nice question here, if I give you a finite set of these Wang tiles, I can ask you, can you cover the entire two-dimensional plane with them-- an infinite configuration where every place where two tiles meet, their colors match. In this particular example, we can cover this 3x3 square and then we notice something nice: the colors along the top row match those along the bottom row, and the colors along the left edge match those along the right edge, which means that we can repeat this configuration infinitely and cover the entire plane with this periodic configuration. All right. But, when can you do this and when can't you? Well, guess what? Wang tiles can simulate a Turing machine. Here's a little sketch of how to do this. Some of our tiles represent tape symbols, and they're colored in such a ways that we go from one row to the next, they simply repeat that tape symbol, carrying it across to the next step of the computation. Some other tiles represent a combination of a tape symbol and a head, the head of the Turing machine, which is in a particular state. And, we again arrange the colors so that the only way to continue the tiling from one row to the next is to carry out one step of the Turing machine, both updating the tape symbol and updating the state. So, this means that asking whether I can tile the entire plane, corresponds to the halting problem because if each row is a new step of the Turing machine, suppose I arrange things so that the halting state is some kind of gap with no allowed tile that I can fit in there. Well, then, the question of whether I can continue the tiling forever and cover the entire plane is exactly the question of whether the Turing machine will run forever and never halt. Now, there is a catch, which you may have already noticed. If you hand me this bunch of tiles, and ask me whether I can tile the plane, why can't I cheat, and just avoid the head of the Turing machine completely, and cover the entire plane with just an empty tape, which is repeating the same symbol over and over, with no Turing machine in sight reading or writing anything or with any danger of halting. Well, this is a good point, and, in fact, when the Wang tiles were first invented, it was conjectured that any set of tiles that could tile the plane at all, could do so periodically. And if you think about it, if that were so, then the tiling problem would be decidable. Because we would just look at larger and larger areas, and we would eventually either find an area which we could tile in a way that we can repeat everywhere, because the colors match along, just as before, match along the top and bottom edges and the left and right edges, or, we would reach a finite area which can't be tiled at all, and one way or the other we would know. But that conjecture was wrong. There are aperiodic tilings. There are sets of tiles that can cover the entire plane, but only do so in a funky way which never quite repeats. So here is a picture of the classic Penrose tiles, with these kites and darts which, because of their local 5-way symmetry have to tile the plane aperiodically, because there's no periodic tiling with perfect 5-way symmetry. Now, I wanted to show you these because they're beautiful, but, the Wang tiles is really more of a question about square grid, so, can we do something similar, with tiles that line up with each other on a square grid, but somehow because of their colors, or their shapes, or maybe little doodads we add to them, they only tile the grid in an aperiodic way. Well indeed this is possible, and this is a particular setup discovered by the logician Raphael Robinson. These tiles can only cover the grid in a particular fractal pattern, and so with this fractal pattern we can with a little work force the Turing machine we're simulating to first of all, exist by demanding that there is a head there at the upper left-hand corner, and we can force it to attempt longer and longer computations until if at some point it halts, there will be a place in the tiling that we cannot fill in.