so one of the critical questions of astrobiology is how do we model life and we can think about abstract or general models for life. The reason that we're after those is because we want to not only explain life on earth but we want to be able to explain life on other worlds and so we need to come up with as general a principle as possible. So far a lot of astrobiology has focused on the idea of trying to define life, so we have come up with a lot of different definitions for life from numerous different perspectives and this word cloud is just showing some examples, words, definitions for life and there are so many different definitions for life that has really become quite a muddle as to how we should be thinking about it in a more rigorous way. And so one of the things that when you think about as astrobiologists is really what's the value of a definition versus a theory or model and a lot of the traditional literature and origins of life has been focused on this idea of defining life so that we can actually be able to identify life on other worlds but the definitions for life are really rather ad-hoc and in some sense they're they're derived from observations of life on Earth so for example we know that life on Earth evolved so we might have an evolutionary definition of life or we know that life on Earth is cellular so we might assume that all life requires cells but what we ultimately really need to be aiming for in the field of astrobiology is to build better models and theories which might be more general and allow us to move beyond definitions of life that are anthropocentric to our own life but actually become predictive theories for how life might look on other worlds the challenge that we face with anything trying to get beyond an anthropocentric or human-centered or earth-centered viewpoint is that we only have a single example of life on Earth so despite all the diversity of life forms that we see trees cats people bacteria in your gut all of that life is related by a common ancestry and the way that astrobiologists talk about that is to talk about something called the last Universal common ancestor so if we look at the tree of life as shown here and we trace the evolution of all the life-forms that exist today backwards in time they all converge on what's called this last Universal common ancestor which is a population of cells that lived on the primitive earth that we think that all modern life descended from and the properties that that life-form would have had would have had to have DNA and a translation machinery proteins and cellular architecture much like a modern cell so it was actually a very advanced life-form it doesn't take us all the way back to the origins of life on earth but the fact that all life shares is kind of common biochemical architecture is actually really limiting because it means that we only have one example of life to go on and extrapolating any kind of general principles from one example is actually rather hard so what people have done traditionally in the origin of life field is to try to come up with models that are based on sort of the core components of that architecture of life that we know today and two of those core components that have been dominant models for origins of life are what are called genetics first and metabolism first so we know that cells metabolize they need to acquire food from their environment or you or I need to acquire food in order to survive in order to reproduce so metabolism is obviously a critical component and then in the genetics first view we also know that life requires genetic information in order to be able to reproduce and to evolve over many generations and so if you split these two kinds of core components of biology and to just what that essential thing is we have this sort of genetics idea where people have proposed that the first living entities might have just been molecules like RNA that could copy themselves and here on the slide is shown sort of an abstract model that kind of process where you might just talk about the the binary digits in a sequence if it was an RNA molecule it would be the sequence of ribonucleotides in the actual RNA so that actual basis and you can actually talk about reproducing that information via copying and then the reason that the RNA world has been so popular as an idea is that RNA also has a catalytic function associated with it whereas in modern organisms we have DNA and protein and DNA controls genetic heredity and proteins are primarily the catalysts that actually execute reactions in the cell, RNA can do both those functions so genetics first has emerged of this idea that you can model quite simply with these kind of models where you talk about copying and heredity and this idea of evolution through this kind of process as the core thing that emerged first as a first living entity and the metabolism first perspective there's an alternative view that the first kinds of living entities were not individual molecules that could replicate but sets of molecules that were reacting together and could collectively reproduce due to the organizational patterns of their reactions, and that idea is called autocatalytic set theory and there's an example shown here about a catalytic sets, using that same kind of representation of representing molecules as binary strings, just strings of zeros and ones which is a way of modeling these kinds of processes in artificial chemistries. And so in this metabolism- first view the first kinds of living systems would have been these organized patterns of chemical reactions. And so both of these perspectives allow one to model certain attributes of living systems. But it's really nice if you actually put them side-by-side and look at something like the binary polymer representation of them because you start to see that both of them are different ways of propagating information in chemical systems, and a theme starts to emerge about what kinds of theories might unify different approaches to origins of life. And so this gets back to the idea that what we need to start doing to move forward in origins of life whereas traditionally we've had these models like genetics first, metabolism first, and there's other models like compartment first, where we're talking about mineral surfaces and all kinds of things and that we need to really start thinking about what are the theories for life, and how do we actually develop more predictive models that are more generic too different chemistries and allow us to actually go to the lab and predict under what circumstances we should start getting things that look more lifelike. And a nice example of the need for theories and thinking about origins of life was given by Carol Cleland and Chris Chyba and a paper that they wrote on defining life where they talked about trying to define water and how difficult it was to actually define water before we had a molecular theory for water so you might describe water as a clear liquid, you might describe it based on the fact that it's liquid at a certain range of temperatures that it you know doesn't have a strong odor there's a lot of different ways that you could describe what water that might lead to a definition of water but none of them are really exclusive to water because there's other clear liquids that you might describe there's other things that are also a liquid at room temperature and so the way that we really precisely define what water is is actually to have an atomic theory that describes molecules and their interactions and we can precisely define water now as h2o and so their thought was that what we do now is sort of phemenologically define life, we have a lot of heuristics or a lot of ideas about what we think life might be but ultimately what we need is a theory and that our definition should derive from the theory not the other way around. And one way I like to think about that is actually to think about like the emergent properties of life so water for example, one of the defining properties that we think water has is that it's wet but wetness of water is an emergent property it requires many many many millions of water molecules potentially to be wet although there's actually an active debate about how many water molecules if it's a few hundred a few thousand and people have been working to develop models to quantify when water gets wet likewise if we're thinking about emergent properties of life evolution is often considered to be a defining property of life but evolution exists at the level of population so it requires many interacting individuals in order to be an evolutionary system and so in some sense evolution that we use as a defining property of life is also an emergent property of life and so one of the things that we really need to challenge ourselves with is to try to find the underlying theory that explains that emergent property in the same way that we have an atomic theory for water that explains some of its emergent properties and so one of the ways that we might think about that is actually to think about life as an information processing system so this is kind of a newer proposal about trying to unify different properties of life that a lot of people have been very enthusiastic about in the field and a lot of people are working on from different perspectives but if we go back to thinking about that genetics versus metabolism picture and we had the binary polymer model. Both of those were kind of a representation of an informational system that was capable of reproducing itself they were just very different architectures for that kind of thing and one might think of genetics first as a digital type of information processing and metabolism first as an analogue type of information processing and so so there is this idea in the biological community and also emerging in astrobiology about information possibly being a unifying principle for how we should think about life across all scales and that may be organisms are really organized by flows of information so one way to think about the origin of life potentially as kind of a new perspective is to think about it as a transition and how information is stored propagated and used and this might be sufficiently general to be able to predict properties of alien chemistries that can also process information in a similar way potentially to Earth's biology but might allow different chemistries than that biochemical architecture that we have on earth as characteristic of the last Universal common ancestor so if we could understand how information works in biochemical networks on earth we could potentially understand what other possible chemistries could enable those same kinds of emergent properties on other worlds and maybe predict alien chemistries