So the example that I want to started off with involves books. First we’ll think about books as physical objects. Here are 2 books on fractals, and shapes and other things. That I find myself consulting as I prepare these lectures. These are physical objects and they have a mass. I could put them on a scale and weigh them. And this book, this is sort of an average size book, may be weighs pound. This is little smaller may be weighs half a pound. So not all books are the same size. But most are about this size. Some are really small. This is the smallest fractals book that I have. It is Kenneth Falconer’s very short introduction. It’s a great book. And then the largest fractals book I have is this one. I can barely hold it with one hand. So it’s much larger and again, this is my biggest fractals book. So books come in different sizes. But there is an average size. And there is not too much variation around that. I could if I was curious and want to push us farther, I could take a bunch of books off my shelf. I could weight them all and I could make a histogram. And I would find that the distribution of book masses is centered around the well-defined average. And there is not too much of a variation from side to side in either direction. So let’s say actually do this experiment. And I started weighing all of my books. I would get a series of masses, weights. And let’s say that may be I would get one that would be point 9 imagine it’s in pounds might get 0 point 6 1 point 1 1 point 05 0 point 8 and may be another 0 point 9 So the idea here is let’s just pretend, because I really didn’t feel like weighing all my books That I really do this 1,2,3,4,5,6 I weigh 6 books And I could then present this data in a histogram. So just a quick reminder how that would go. Let’s see here. I’ll do 0.5 0 .75 1.0 and 1.25 So this is gonna be my mass. And then I call frequency here. So 0.9 I have got one that’s between 0.75 and 1 0.6 1.1 this one adds in here 1.05 0.8 and 0.9 those both are in here. So the picture here is as follows. What this type of plot shows me is that there are 3 books that have a mass between 0.75 and 1 There is 1 book that’s between half a pound and 0.75 And there are 2 books that are between 1.0 and 1.25 So histogram is a way of just summarizing of a bunch of data. And this shows us what the frequency is. We can also think about this in terms of probability if I want it higher this bar is here the more probable. It is that I would observe a mass in this range. And in this particular case this says If I really choose one of these books at random there is a 50 percent chance that it would be between 0.75 and 1.0 Right, so far, I keep going and let’s say I were to weigh hundred books or two hundred books. That would be enough fun for afternoon. But I might expect this histogram might end up looking something like this. And what this would show me is that there are a lot of books concentrated around here may be this is about pound. It seems like most books are about pound. And then there are few of many books are a little bit on either side. There aren’t too many books that are really really heavy or really really light. So there is a nice sort of well-defined range. So this is just another way of saying that books have a typical mass, probably about a pound or so. And a lot of thing in the world are like this. Tomatoes are like this. There is a typical size for tomatoes. People’s heights are like this. Most people are between 5 feet and 6 feet tall and so on. So this is a sort of thing we might get if we are to weigh a bunch of books.