Hello and welcome to unit 9. The topic of unit 9 is pattern formation. So far in this course the main results have centered around the phenomenon of chaos. That's where a deterministic dynamical system produces bounded orbits that are aperiodic and have sensitive dependence on initial conditions - the butterfly effect. But there's a lot more to dynamical systems than just chaos and unpredictability. Dynamical systems can produce not only disordered behavior/unpredictable behavior, but also structures and patterns and order. For that matter, there's a lot more in the world than just chaos and unpredictability - we look all around us and see all sorts of phenomena that are patterned, have structure, order, or some sort of organization to them. And so we'll see that just as simple dynamical systems can produce apparently random behavior, simple dynamical systems can produce patterns as well. The structure of this unit will be a little different than the previous units. I won't be able to go into as much of the math, because the math for the example that I want to cover is a good bit more complex and I don't know how to do it without a lot of calculus and differential equations. Nevertheless, I think I can describe the general phenomena and the basic mathematical ideas at play without using the full machinery of differential equations. We'll give it a try. The main phenomena that we'll study is something known as reaction-diffusion systems, and these are a class of dynamical systems somewhat different than we have studied so far that are capable of producing a wide range of different patterns. These aren't the only pattern-forming systems at all, there are many many different ones and there are a lot of techniques used for studying them. But I think studying these reaction-diffusion systems is a nice example to use to illustrate some of what goes on in pattern-formation and some of the other things that dynamical systems can do. So we'll get started with reaction-diffusion in a moment, first, just a side-note, you may be wondering what happened here. Last night, there was a territorial dispute between me and one of my cats, Ancho, he's very gentle but a little bit clumsy and I think he was trying to get under the covers climbing over me and he slipped and grabbed ahold of my face as he was falling. Anyway, it's just a flesh wound, it will heal quickly and I'm sorry if it's distracting or looks a little silly. Anyway, let's get started with reaction-diffusion. Before we talk about reaction- diffusion equations, I want to talk about plain- old diffusion. Diffusion is a tendency for particles to disperse - to become uniform in distribution or concentration. Let me start with a demonstration of diffusion. This is a container with just plain, clear, regular water and this here has some purple food- coloring in it. I'm going to put a few drops in the water and what we should observe it that the food- coloring tends to spread-out. It diffuses and eventually we will reach a uniform concentration. So let's give this a try. Here's a drop. It's falling. But as it's falling, it's spreading out. It's actually an amazing pattern. Okay, so the falling motion is actually not diffusion. But those strands, they should sort of become thinner and fainter. And you know, they're actually not quite doing that. Alright, so maybe this wasn't the world's best demonstration of diffusion, but it's a really cool pattern and this is a unit on pattern formation, so we'll just go with it. I'm going to put this down for a moment and maybe it will diffuse a little bit. Maybe it needs a little more time, we'll see. Alright, so in diffusion, if we had a region, say, where the purple or whatever it is...we'll just call it purple. Where the purple is highly concentrated, it will tend to spread-out - to diffuse - things want to be at a uniform concentration. One way to think about why diffusion is the way it is - why diffusion occurs - is that it's just a consequence of the random motion of the individual particles. If we imagine the individual purple particles are moving around in the liquid, just like everything is randomly moving around in a fluid - a gas or a liquid - the consequence of all of those random motions is to tend to smooth-out any non-uniformities. So if we imagine a situation where we have 100 people in a room and they're all walking around at random, we would find it very unlikely if everybody suddenly met in the middle or in a corner or something. If they were walking around at random, we would expect that they would spend roughly equal time everywhere. Similarly if we started with a whole bunch of people randomly walking around, maybe 100 drunk people in a room, we would put them all very close in one location and we let them go, they're just going to stagger around at random and we would expect that they would more or less fill the room uniformly. So that's how I think about diffusion. It's just a logical consequence - an inevitable consequence, really - of the random motion of a bunch of particles. Another way to think of it at a somewhat less microscopic level is simply that chemicals tend to move from regions of high concentration to lower concentration. If the concentration is the same, on average, a chemical won't move. But if there's higher concentration here and lower concentration there, there'll be motion - diffusive motion - in this way. So the main thing is that diffusion is a transport process which tends to even things out - which tends to smooth- out all sorts of differences. And I'll describe that mathematically in a moment. Okay, a little more about this. So, about 10 minutes have past since I did that first experiment. And here you can take a look at it - and I promise I didn't shake this up. You can still see there's a little bit of some strands in there, but as I claimed, it just took longer than I expected, the purple tended to make itself uniform. And if I waited another 10 minutes or 20 minutes, it would get more uniform still. So diffusion is a process - it just happens all by itself - that tends to smooth-out differences in concentration of something. And the last thing I guess to say about this example is that it illustrates that things diffuse at different rates. I hadn't done this experiment with this type of food-coloring before. I just got it at the store a couple of hours ago. Whatever is in this food coloring, it doesn't diffuse very quickly. So it took a lot longer than I expected, but it's still diffusing. We could also imagine something that diffuses much more quickly - maybe something that's a little less viscous - the molecules were lighter. But the main point is that diffusion tends to even-out differences in concentration and different quantities, different chemicals, different things might diffuse at different rates.