In this video we will explore the bifurcation diagram. And see some of the complexities and patterns that it holds. So here again is the website that plots the bifurcation diagram for us. And I have resized it, so it more or less fits inside the screen. So, the first thing to call attention to as we have already seen is that this period doubling repeats again and again So period doubling, so here we have period 1 behavior. And that goes over to period 2 as R is increased. Then, period four. Then period eight. and we see that period doubling again and again. In...sorry I'm having a hard time with the mouse here. We see that period doubling again and again. As we zoom in. So, here I have zoomed in a bunch. Let's zoom in I don't know this region here. And there is a period doubling again I'm going to zoom in here. And now I'm starting to lose resolution. I'm sort of missing some points. So I'm going to plot two thousand instead of two hundred. And I'll zoom in here. Opps, let me try that again. See, what's---what's going on in that square. And, we are seeing this feathering or smearing. So I should probably skip more points. Because, it's taking longer to reach the long term behavior. So I'll try skipping a thousand points before the plotting begins. And that clears that up. And maybe, I'll try plotting 10,000 points. That will take a little while hopefully not too long. That darkens it up. And let's--let's zoom in a little bit more. Let's see what's going on up here. Try that again. Alright let's zoom in there. Period doubling again. Let's zoom in there. Again starting to see some smearing out. So I'm going to skip 10,000 before I start plotting. And that crisps things up again. I'll try doing one more zoom. There we go. I'll zoom in. And I need a few more points So I'm going to plot 20,000 points. Maybe I'll do a little more. I'll do 40,000. make it a little bit darker. Then I'm going to skip plotting-- --I don't know 20,000. And that should I don't know. A little bit clear up that smuge. Maybe I'll skip 40,000 now. So for each final state diagram, it iterates for 40,000 then plots the next 40,000. And here is the pattern that we see. So, this looks alot like very, very similar to a larger portion of the bifurcation diagram. So this has a sort of fractal structure to it. And that we see small copies of the whole. The large object. And we have zoomed in a tremendous amount. The difference from the range of R values. that we are looking at 3.7432448284 to 3.7432448352 So it's only in the last three digits that there is a difference here. So let's think actually for a moment about just, just what a small range this is. Let's see if we can come up with a way to visualize this. So on the bifurcation diagram, that I just showed on the screen the R value started at this. and ended at that. So they are very, very close together. Let's see what the difference is between these two. To do that I'm going to have to subtract and I'm not very good at subtracting. So let's see if I can do this. 2-4. I'm going to borrow one. 12-4. Let's see that is 8. That five turned into a four. 4-8. I need to borrow 1. Let's see 14-8 is 6. Then I got 2-2. And lot's of zeros. So that's a very, very small number. Let's put it into scientific notation. That maybe helpful 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. So this is 6.8 times 10 to the -9. A tiny, tiny range. So if we imagine we are measuring R. We usually only think of that as a growth rate. To make this more concrete. If we think of this in meters. This would be about 6.8 or 7 nanometers. And that's the range we are looking at this bifurcation diagram. Over a range of about 7 nano meters. And that is tiny, maybe the size of a large molecule, several large molecules. We have zoomed in a tremendous amount is the point I'm trying to make. And here is another way to think about this how much we are zoomed in so, in the current zoom in. On the screen we were looking at before we came over to this piece of paper, we had a R range of this 6.8 times 10 to the -9. And that took ten centimeters. So, my laptop screen where I was cheating that maybe the image was 10 centimeters across. And on your video, depending on how you are watching the video, might be a little bit smaller. If you are screen it might not be exactly this size but the point is we are trying to get an order of magnitude estimate. It is closer to 10 cm than 1 or 100. So, this was the scale we are in now. And suppose we wanted to view the entire bifurcation diagram at this scale. So right, so this 6.8 was an R range, If we wanted the R range to be four. How many centimeters would that be? So it is going to be very, very large. We have zoomed in, zoomed in so much that the bifurcation diagram is very, very large. It has zoomed off the screen many, many times. So let's see how large it is. So let's solve for this question mark. So I can cross multiply and divide and I would get the following. The size of.... So at this scale the size of the original bifurcation digram would be 5.9 times 10 to the 9 cm. That's almost six billion centimeters. Which is about 5900 km. That would be a huge distance. To put that into perspective, the circumfrence of the earth is only 40,000 km. So, to recap what this means is we started with a bifurcation diagram which went from 0 to 4. And, we zoomed in again and again and again. And we kept seeing this pitch fork structure, this branches that split into branches that split into branches We saw that at different places in the bifurcation diagram. And we kept zooming in and zooming in until we saw one of the those pitchforks, one of those splittings over this tiny tiny range of R values. And at that point, we zoomed in enough that the original diagram that it would have gotten so large that it would have stretched around the earth's circumfrence. And we are zooming in and almost unimaginable amount into this mathematical objects this bifurcation diagram. And we are seeing this structure repeat again and again So, here is the bifurcation diagram again And if this bifurcation diagram is about ten centimeters. This small, tiny, tiny portion of the bifucation diagram looks to be about ten centimeters. Then at this magnification the full bifurcation diagram from R=0 to R= 4. Would stretch to around the circumfrence of the earth. Alright let's zoom back out. We have zoomed in a great deal. So I'm hitting the back button again and again. Up we go. And there is the orginal bifurcation diagram. In fact it has made it a little larger Now let's go forward Let's zoom back in to see that one more time. So zooming in, zooming in, zooming in. Some of these steps increase resolution. Or, the number of points I skip. Zooming in more and more. The full diagram gets larger and larger as I do so. And, let's see there was the last step. So at this magnifcation, the full bifurcation diagram stretches around the earth.