In this optional sub unit I'll present the bifurcation diagram for a different differential equations and this will lead us to the phenomenon of Hysteresis or path dependence we will see that in a second. We will start with this differential equation dx/dt. I'll use x this time instead of P. because this doesn't really represent a population is rx plus x cubed minus x to the fifth So r is now our parameter. Before it was h. This time we will use r. So, we will build up the bifurcation diagram piece by piece by letting r be different values plotting the right hand side of this and seeing what the function looks like and making a phase line So here is what we have if r equals one Down, up, and down So there are three fix points. Because the line crosses the x axis three times here, here, and here. So, three fixed points. One, two, three. make a note this is for r equals one When this function is negative. This is a derivative. The derivative is negative. X is decreasing When positive we are increasing. Negative decreasing, positive increasing So, this function has three fixed points. There is an unstable fixed point at zero. and there are two stable fixed points out here a little bit more than one away from the origin. So that's the situation when R equals 1. If I decrease R and make it a little bit negative. This curve gets a little wiggle in it. and it starts to look like this So the curve gets steeper but it aquires a little wiggle in here. So let's calculate let's figure out the phase line for this here we have five fixed points. 1,2,3,4,5 equilibria class of five. and they kind of scrunch together That's going to be a little challenging for me to draw. Ok, so there are the fixed points. 1,2,3,4,5. the function is positive so we are moving to the right negative in here, then positive negative,positive, negative. R equals zero point two. So I see three stable fixed points. Here, here, and here in the middle So you have probably noticed a stable fixed point occurs when the line crosses the axis from top to bottom. So that happens here, here, and here. So we have these two unstable fixed points here and here. When the line goes from below to above. So, five fixed points, three are stable and two are unstable. This is the story for minus 0.2 the last r we will look at is r equals minus 0.4 R is a little bit more negative here. and what happens is these bumps straighten out. So this bump and this bump get pulled up and down. And we end up with this. So here, the phase line is kind of simple almost boring again So we have one fixed point. So we had five but four of them disappeared. And we are just left with this one. at the origin. And it keeps --it's stability so we had a little hard to see. We had four and here we had one. but this one the one at the origin remains. Ok, so we have three phase lines. So we can connect them Sort of glue them all together and see what the bifurcation diagram might look like. so as before I"m going to slice off. these phase lines. and let's take a look. Here is R equals 1 Here is R equals minus 0.2 And I should've written here this was r equals minus 0.4 Here is the what we have. So from these phase lines it might not be immediately clear what the entire bifurcation diagram looks like we might want to do a few more phase lines For immediate R values. try an R of 0. a R of -.1 A r of +.1, and so on But rather than take the time to do that. Let me sketch what this looks like and then I'll show you a neater drawing of the bifurcation diagram Since the main goal is to get this bifurcation diagram and then look at it and learn about Hysteresis so let me just draw a few things on here. So I'm going to use blue for an unstable fixed point and so it turns out I have a line of unstable fixed points here. Wait sorry those are stable. Oh, dear how can I recover from this this was going to be blue Maybe it's red and blue, purple, or it looks mostly red So these are stable. It's just the wrong color It's stable the arrows are going in and then we also have some stable fixed points Here and here. Here and Here. and these are going to look like this. And this one is going to come down like this. and then we will have unstable fixed point here. and this line connects up here. So that's our bifurcation diagram It's not the best picture in the world. To me, it kind of looks like a fish like a salmon that's throwing up. Which you know. is not what I intended. but this is the bifracation diagram. So we have stable points in red and unstable points in blue. And hopefully you can see how the blue and red lines line up with these fixed points. And this vommiting fish looking this. So let me draw another nicer version of this diagram and we will analyze that. And learn about Hysteresis. So here is a slightly neater version of the bifucation diagram. From the previous screen. And I'll be focusing on the positive x-values I've only drawn arrows on here. So we have a line of stable fixed points. Attractors. and we have here in blue a line of unstable fixed points repellers. Unstable here, and stable here. So, let's imagine let's sort of talk through a scenario with this. That the parameter starts off somewhere off here. And we have a postive x value. We are going to get pulled to this attractor and now imagine the parameter is going to be decreasing who knows in this case. I don't know if there is a clear physical or analogue or something but whatever R is. It decreases So as R decreases then the equilibrium value decreases. then we decrease R some more and the equilibrium value decrease some more then we move down along here. And this looks alot like what happened when we were increasing the fishing rate in the logistic differential equation So we move down here, R continues to decrease R continues to decrease R continues to decrease until we get here. And then this fixed point this attractor up here disappears It's gone. It decrease a little bit more. The quantity of x whatever it is is going to get pulled down here to zero. And so then, perhaps we like this positive thing is good zero is bad maybe this is growth rate of the economy or some fishing, some number of fish or something and we zip down here. Then we might say "Uh-oh, we crashed" "We better increase R." and so we will increase R. but this red point down here is stable. it's attracting And so we don't automatically jump up to here. because this is stable. We move a little bit We get pushed back. So then we would increase R, We will increase R, we will increase R still. More, until we get a little bit over here. Then. this fixed point loses it's stability. We go from Red to blue. and then we will jump back up to here. So again, we are seeing jumps But this time there is a new feature. Which is as follows: Suppose we wanted to know if R was around here. Whatever that is -0.2 What stable behavior would we observe in this model and the answer is, it would depend on not just on the R value, but where one came from. and this is the idea of the Hysteresis. Let me draw a picture sort of to illustrate. or outline the story I just told. So thinking of this portion of the bifurcation diagram I guess I'll just make a really rough sketch of this. So, I could move down this way then I come to this collapse point and I go down here. Then, I would increase until here. and then I would jump back up and could go in either direction here. So, so this is to connect it r = 0 So this system so has path dependence. So what would you observe at this r value Well it depends not just on the R value. but on the path to get there. If you reach this R value, the one where my finger is from above, from the right Then you would be up here. Here on this diagram. If you approached this R value from below having going beyond this and sort of falling off that cliff then you will be down here at zero this is called hysteresis or path dependence. So the term of this behavior is hysteresis or path dependence. So that the equilibrium property the oberseved behavior of this differential equation this model depends not only on R. It looks like it only depends on R. If you tell me what R is. I can solve the differential equation I can tell you what X would end up being. But in the situation where you have multiple attractors and they are arranged like this knowing R is not enough you need to know where R came from. It depends not just on R. But on the path R took. This is surprising and interesting I think because path dependence is a type of memory The value of the population whatever this is in a sense remembers where its been. It's not obvious at all that this equation has memory built into it This says the growth rate, the change of X and this number R. So it's a type of memory or history that get introduced into a differential equation as a result of this bifurcation this particular structure in a bifurcation diagram like this. I don't know that this is common or ubiquitous in differential equations But it's not uncommon either But you don't need a tremendous complicated equation to get this behavior So this is another type-I guess-- of bifucations Two bifucations. There is a bifurcation here and a bifurcation there. and taken together those two bifurcations lead to this path dependence. So, again to underscore it one more time We have a simple differential equation something that is continuous, smooth, differential, doesn't have any memory built in and we can have a system behave in jumps and that develops a memory or path dependence So that's the idea behind. Hysteresis or path dependence