The summary for this unit will come in two parts in the first part I’ll collect some of the definitions and terminology key results and arguments that I went over in the many videos in this section and then in the second part of the summary I’ll take a step back and talk about what I think some of these results mean why they are interesting and important and why they’re fun to think about so let’s get start it so let’s summarize what we did in Unit 3 Unit 3 was on chaos and butterfly effect I began by introducing a logistic equation and I went through a derivation talking about rabbits on an island and annihilation values but the main thing is that the logistic equation is a very simple model of population growth where there’s some limit to the growth there’s some maximum population beyond which the population can’t pass we ended up with this form perhaps the most famous or one of the most two famous equations in the study of chaos f of x r x 1 minus x and we interpret r as a growth parameter and x is measured as a fraction of the annihilation parameter so it’s some fraction of the maximum possible number of rabbits or whatever and this function f of x we can iterate it and it gives us the population next year f of x is the population next year given that x is the population this year so we have results of the function and we can now iterate this function like we did it Unit-1 to do so we turn to an online program that will iterate the logistic equation you enter r you enter some initial conditions and it will make a time series plot and show you the numbers and so here is just one sample output for that hopefully you’ve experimented with this a bunch by now and we found attracting periodic behavior of different periodicities period 2 period 3 period 4 and we’ll see that there’re more period as well and then we found something else something that I hope it was surprising and kind of fun and that is for r equals 4 and also for some other values the orbit is aperiodic here’s an example of what that look like the orbit doesn’t hit some regular cycle it just keeps bouncing around all over so for this the orbit never repeats so applying the same function over and over again doing this incredibly repetitious process always produces in somethings somethings new it does not the orbit does not settle in to periodic behavior so that was kind of weird and perhaps little bit surprising and then things got thing hope even more interesting so we started thinking about comparing the orbits for two different initial conditions so we used the similar but different online program to compare the time series for two initial conditions and here is what the output for that just for some sample values might look like start with two different initial conditions and they both end up at the same fixed point I don’t know around .8 or .6 whatever it is and then in this bottom plot I plotted the difference between these two time series so the difference starts off large and negative and the difference decreases in the sense that it gets closer and closer to zero so this is showing us that these two orbits that start far apart .7 apart or so end up getting closer and closer together and reach the same fate they end up here together then we tried making a similar plot when r equals 4 that was the aperiodic case here we saw that two orbits that start very close together eventually end up very far apart here the two orbits are right on the top of each other there’s so similar one blots out the other and then they start to pull apart here this curve down below is plotting the difference between those two initial conditions it starts very small and then becomes very large and this phenomenon is known as sensitive dependence on initial conditions or more popularly as the butterfly effect the idea is that okay it depends very sensitively the long term behavior of the orbit depends very sensitively on the initial condition and a very small initial change perhaps something as small as might result from a butterfly flapping its wings could make a large difference down line so again just say that a different way sensitive dependence on initial conditions I gave a formal mathematical definition of it which basically boils down to this for any initial condition x, there is another nearby initial condition very very close to it that eventually ends up far away so the initial conditions are always getting pushed away from each other so to predict the behavior of a system with sensitive dependence on initial conditions would require knowing the initial condition with impossible accuracy so we saw an example that to predict the Lorenz equation how to t equals 18 we get very different results if the initial condition varies by what was it 2 nanometers or 10 nanometers out of 15 meters so such precision is needed such accuracy as mean needed that not only it is a practically impossible but it’s perhaps even theoretically meaningless the bottom line is that systems with sensitive dependence are deterministic yet nevertheless they’re unpredictable in the long run and usually even in the medium run sensitive dependence on initial conditions means that the orbit that a computer calculates for us actually isn’t the true orbit we thought we were calculating computers have to round off numbers and have finite precision and so the orbit that a computer gives us is not the true orbit for that initial condition and that may be worrying we might wonder what is the computer showing us then is a complete nonsense and it turns out that the computed orbit it’s not that orbit we thought we were getting but it’s arbitrarily close to some other true orbit for the dynamical system it’s the orbit for a different initial condition so we would say that the computed orbit shadows some other true orbit and this result is known as the shadowing lemma so finally we are in a position to define chaos in the mathematical sense so we say that a dynamical system is chaotic if the following 4 criteria are met it’s deterministic which the dynamical systems for studied certainly are iterated functions and differential equations are deterministic dynamical systems its orbits need to be bounded they can’t fly off to infinity the orbits are aperiodic as we saw it was the case for the logistic equation with r equals 4 and it has sensitive dependence on initial conditions again as we saw with r equals 4 for the logistic equation so the logistic equation and iterated function is a chaotic dynamical systems in this sense so then we turned our attention towards the idea of randomness in this puzzle that a deterministic dynamical system is producing a random output so to start thinking about that I first introduced this idea of symbolic dynamics and so what we do is we convert the orbit which is a sequence of numbers between 0 and 1 into some symbols L and R for left and right we could do 0 and 1 or any two symbols that we wanted so if x is less than a half we’ll say we’ll turn it into an L and if x the iterate is greater than a half, we’ll turn it into R and it turns out that this particular way is way here of converting the orbit into symbols has this nice property it’s known as a generating partition and in brief what this means is that the initial condition uniquely determines the symbol sequence and vice versa in the limit that the symbol sequence goes to infinity so the bottom line is because of this relation the properties of the symbolic dynamical system or dynamical system after doing this conversion in the original dynamical system are the same and by what I mean by properties are the same is that the dynamical system in either at symbol form or it’s non symbol form will have the same fixed points with the same stability or same number of fixed points with the same stability if one is aperiodic the other will be if one has sensitive dependence on initial conditions, the other has too as well so then I imagined looking at two different systems a coin toss a random coin toss and the symbolic dynamics symbol sequences from the logistic equation with r equals 4 and I argued that the logistic equation at r equals 4 is as random as a coin toss. what I mean by that is that for both the logistic equation and the coin toss all possible sequences of symbols occur with equal frequency so all possible sequences of length 2 of length 3 of length 4 and so on occur equally likely so what this means is if I give you two long sequences one of which was generated by the logistic equation a deterministic process and the other I generated by randomly tossing a coin you could not perform a statistical test that could distinguish between the two the logistic equation produces a sequence that is statistically identical to that would be produced by a random coin so that let us to think even more well what does randomness mean and one of the key ideas here is we need a separate the properties of a process and the results of a process so instead of thinking about randomness as that which occurs by chance I want to think about randomness in a different way so sometimes called algorithmic randomness and the key idea is that a random sequence is one that is incompressible it contains no regularities or patterns that I can use to come up with a shorter description of it. but then we were faced with a puzzle how can we tell if a sequence is compressible or not I showed you the binary expansion for pi and it certainly wasn’t obvious that that binary expansion could be compressed into just the number pi so we might wonder well ok is there an compression algorithm that will always work and it turns out that there does not exist an algorithm for finding the best way to compress a sequence however we can make an argument that almost all sequences are incompressible and hence random so let’s go through that argument so we looked at two sets the set of all sequences and a set of algorithms and those sets are both infinite in size there are infinite number of possible sequences and an infinite number of possible algorithms however and I didn’t prove this but it turns out that there are infinitely many more sequences than algorithms in fact there are different types of infinity the number of sequences what we would say is uncountably infinite and the number of the algorithm is countably infinite and so what this means is that they’re vastly vastly infinite infinite many more sequences and there are algorithms and each and each algorithm I’m thinking of as a way to describe or compress a given sequence so what this means is there cannot possibly be ways to compress the vast majority of sequences there simply aren’t enough algorithms compression algorithms or schemes to go around so what this means is that a randomly chosen infinite sequence if you have a gigantic infinite bag that holds this infinite set of sequences and you just close your eyes and pick one out with probability 1 it will be incompressible in this random and what I mean by probability one is yes you could get astronomically lucky and choose one that happen to be compressible but in the long in the limit of infinite sequences that would occur the probability of that occurring would be a zero it’s sort of like saying what’s the probability if you toss a fair coin and infinite number of times that it always comes up heads yes there isn’t there is one way that it could come up all heads but that’s one out of an infinite number so we’ll say that you are going to get something other than all heads with probability 1 anyway so what bottom line is that with probability 1 almost always a randomly chosen infinite sequence is incompressible ie it’s random now the logistic equation with r equals 4 produces all possible sequences therefore so in sense that the logistic equation is filling up this bag I was talking about consisting of all of these random infinite sequences thus the logistic equation is producing random sequences a deterministic systems is producing randomness however then said well ok, any sequence can be generated by the logistic equation but wait doesn't that mean that the logistic equation is itself a compression algorithm for a random sequence but the catch here is that in order to generate a particular sequence we would need to know the initial condition infinitely precisely you’ll have to remember all of the digits in that initial condition and almost all numbers between 0 and 1 are irrational and random so those numbers are incompressible so in order to reproduce the sequence we need the logistic equation that we’re going to iterate and that’s a very simple things but we also need to remember the initial condition to infinite accuracy and that’s something that’s incompressible and thus is it’s random so what this means is that we actually haven’t compressed the sequence at all so in other words if you give me an infinite sequence and say can you find a short way to describe this or represent it can it be compressed and I could say well sort of I could generate the sequence with the logistic equation however I need to remember an infinitely long initial condition so really I haven’t compressed it at all I’ve just taken the infinite longness and incompressibility of the sequence and sort of swapped it for the infinite longest and incompressibility of the initial condition Ok, so the bottom line is that logistic equation is a deterministic dynamical system that produces randomness and you could think of that a number of different ways you can think of it just in terms of statistics over sequences that looks like a coin toss or in this algorithm make sense so I should mention that a dynamical system that is not deterministic one that has element of chance would be called a stochastic dynamical system we were studying deterministic dynamical system and so the main point in this is bold because I think this is may be the important thing biggest important thing in this chapter or per unit is that the qualities of a result can be different from the qualities of a process that made it so here we have a deterministic process producing a random result and in some sense determinism and randomness are opposites so we have the quality of the result randomness isn’t a sense very different than the quality of the process generating it which is deterministic