So let’s analyze properties of symbol sequence generated by the logistic equation So here I'll think about the symbol sequence generated from an orbit of the logistic equation and this is with r equals 4.0 so this is a chaotic value, it’s aperiodic and it has a sensitive dependence on initial conditions and I’m going to imagine an experiment and I’m going to do another experiment side by side and I’m going to imagine tossing a fair coin many many times so if I tossed a fair coin the outcomes are heads and tails probability of heads is a half probability of tails is a half and the tosses are independent meaning that the outcome of one toss has no influence on the outcome of the next toss or any other toss. symbol sequence I would get the orbit and then I would convert that to L's and R's and what I want to do is compare the statistical features of these L’s and R’s to the statistical features of these H’s and T’s and I’m going to imagine that we have an infinite amount of data so we’ve done this infinitely long and we’ve done this infinitely long. Ok, that’s a little bit unrealistic. But there is simplify the discussion and I’ll talk about again a little bit. Ok, so the first thing we might do we have this infinitely long string sequence of L’s and R’s so we could say what’s the frequency of L what’s the frequency of R and if we did that we would find that half of these symbols were L and half were R and we could do the same thing here. I’ve tossed a fair coin a million and billion an infinite number of times and we could ask the same question what’s the frequency of H? what’s the frequency of R ? and the frequency of H is a half frequency of tails is a half So all this says is the heads and the tails are equally likely occur equally often and the L's and R's occur equally often doesn’t mean the sequences are the same or have the same statistical features. It just means that the statistics or the frequency of a single symbol are the same. So now let’s do another experiment. Let’s ask about the frequency of L L R L R L LLR LLR and RR I better not say that and write that instead, so Ok, so I was trying to say the frequency of these outcomes So if I scanned down this very long string and said how often do I see or what fraction the time do I see an LL together what fraction the time do I see an LR, RL and RR and that would be a quarter for all of these All the four possible pairs are equally likely the same thing will happen to over here so if I ask what’s the frequency of HH HT TT and TH I would see a similar thing so the frequency of all possible pairs the frequencies are equal, they’re all equally likely and the frequency of all possible pairs here are all equally likely. and you can probably guess the next step Let’s ask about the frequency of all possible triples LLL, LLR, LRL and so on Ok, so for the symbolic dynamics, the symbolic sequence from the logistic equation there are 8 possible outcomes of 3 consecutive symbols LLL , LLR and so on and they all occur equally likely with a fraction of an eighth And it’s the same story for the fair coin there are 8 possible outcomes of 3 consecutive symbols HHH, HTH and so on and they all occur equally likely, equally often their frequencies are the same 1 over 8 I could keep doing this experiment I could do look at 4 consecutive symbols 5 consecutive symbols, 6 consecutive symbols for both of these situations and I would see in all cases all sequences occur equally often so I considered all five, sequences of five possible point tosses out to see there occur with equal frequency, same story with L's and R's over here. So what this means is that the logistic equation the particular symbolic dynamics from the logistic equation with r equals 4 are as random as a coin toss. So that’s an important result that I want to think about for bit So let me write that down. So the logistic equation with r equals 4, is as random as a coin toss. for coin toss all possible sequences of H's and T's are equally likely, for the logistic equation all possible sequences of L's and R's are equally likely. Here is another way to think about what this means suppose I would do generate two symbolic sequences and again that the names of the letters don’t matter I could use H's and T's, 0's and 1's, the letters are arbitrary. One of those very long symbol sequences I generated by tossing a coin again and again and again and again The other symbol sequence I would generate by iterating the logistic equation again and again and again and again and then writing it in symbolic form and then I handed you those two sequences and I ask you to tell me which was which there would be no way what this means is there would be no way to tell those two sequences apart one is generated by a fair coin but we think of as sort of the most random process imaginable. The other sequence is generated by iterating a function about as deterministic as it gets. Nevertheless their outcomes are indistinguishable. Now I should mention that of course if we were to do this experiment in real life We can’t have an infinite sequence of fair coin tosses or iterates. So what we'll have a very long one these wouldn’t be exactly an eighth these all wouldn’t be exactly an eight some would be a little bit more a little bit less but it wouldn’t effect the overall argument that in the limit that the sequences get longer and longer and longer all of these frequencies become the same and all of these frequencies become the same and the two that two sequences are indistinguishable. So we just saw an example of a deterministic function producing a random outcome and not just a random outcome but an outcome that I said is in a sense as random as a fair coin. Deterministically iterating a function produces something that’s indistinguishable from a random coin toss. So that seems really weird and we’re going to talk about that in a second. But first I want to point out that this discovery that iterating the logistic equation turning in a symbolic dynamics make something that looks like a fair coin is actually a tremendously useful result because randomness is actually really useful resource in science and in our lives. Having access to randomness is in a sense a good thing So let me explain what I mean by this. In many numerical algorithms when does what’s called Monte Carlo simulation and that requires access to a good source of random numbers because it requires some sort of random sampling of some sort of a space. In statistics it’s really important to do, to work with what’s called an unbiased sample you want to get a random sample, so you have really big population a million people in a country or state or something and you want to figure out their statistical properties some average income who knows you want to make sure that Ok, you could ask all million people, that probably takes too long so instead, you ask some smaller sample But you want that smaller sample of your larger population to be representative of a whole. and the best way to do that is to do a random sample then I was easy and clear to know how to do that but having access to good, some sort of good randomness algorithm if that even makes sense, it does, as we’ll see is a very useful thing. In other activities, randomness is also useful resource So if I am engaged in some strategic interaction with some opponent and that could be bargaining, that could be, I don’t know, running away from somebody that’s trying to catch me, evading somebody that’s trying to do something bad to me I want my actions to be as unpredictable as possible If the regularities and what I am doing then my opponent can exploit that regularity and that could be in a game like prisoner’s dilemma or rock paper scissors or in some other sort of physical situations where I’m running away from somebody and I want to move left and right with equal, equal probabilities. So in strategic interaction if you’re random then there is no regularities that an opponent can exploit. very similar story in cryptography I want to use, there is a lots of different ways to do cryptography, but one way is you need some symbol sequence, some source yes, some symbol sequence that you use to encode the message you want to keep secret and the sequences that I’m using as part of that encoding scheme needs to be as random or as close to random as possible Because if there are regularities in that encoding sequence then an opponent can exploit that and could maybe figure out my secret messages so anyway the point of all this is that may be we think of randomness something unwanted and often it is unwanted. I don’t want my car to like randomly starting in the morning or not I’d like to know that even when it’s really cold out it’s going to start So often we think of randomness something to avoid but randomness actually is a really useful resource so the logistic equation with r equals 4 can generate numbers or bits zeros and ones that can be used as a random number generator which is really useful in all sort of applications now I’m not an expert in random number generators and I don’t but I don’t think that the logistic equation in this exact form is used in random number generator however it’s the same basic idea one is iterating one the computer iterates a deterministic function that is chaotic and so produces this random outcome and then that serves as a source of randomness for whatever is your computer is trying to do so randomness is actually a useful resource in many circumstances in any event in the next lecture we’ll dig deeper into randomness because we clearly have to think a little more about what randomness means given that we have a deterministic system producing a random result.