Sensitive dependence on initial conditions is also known as the butterfly effect. You’ve probably heard this term before and know the story but I should mention it briefly so again the butterfly effect here is this illustration we have two different initial conditions this is for the x part of the Lorenz equations two different initial conditions that differ by tiny tiny tiny amount we can think of this is 15 meters and this is 15 meters plus 10 nanometers imperceptible meaninglessly different and here is the trajectory, the orbit of the two solutions one we could think of as reality, one is prediction and hereafter I don’t know about 18 minutes or 18 time steps the two curves go apart so a tiny change this is idea, like the effects of a butterfly flapping its wings can make a large difference later on so maybe speaking somewhat metaphorically this is somehow the path of a hurricane and in this version it hits New York city and this version it hits North Carolina so the difference, but maybe this is wind speed or something 20 hours ago or 20 days ago who knows and so this tiny difference could be caused by the flapping of a butterfly’s wings so very small changes in initial circumstances can lead to very large changes later on and this is what makes phenomena like this essentially unpredictable because we can never measure something like this in fact maybe values this accurate might not even be physically meaningful James Gleick in his book Chaos has a nice way of thinking about the butterfly effect in particular the influence or the effect of butterfly flapping its wings and he says the following it’s like giving an extra shuffle to a deck of already well shuffled cards you know that it will change your luck but there is no way of knowing how it will change it so that the sort of how I think about the butterfly here the butterfly might flap its wings and we know it’s going to change something in the future but we don’t know how it will change it Here is another way to think about the butterfly effect in our lives we might be accustomed to the idea that there were particular moments where a small change in something that we did led to a really big change in the course of our life so a simple example might be you're burning the toast and so you are a little bit late leaving the house and so you catch a train that’s one later than the thought, than the train you thought you were going to take but the train you had been planning on taking crashed and a lot of people died so ok, that’s a dramatic example but we can perhaps think of a number of times in our life where we were at sort of a key decision point and some very small thing may be that we didn’t know about at the time made a big difference later on It’s sort of like a ball perched on top of the hill a tiny little change will determine whether or not the ball rolls down to the right or to the left So the idea that we have these sort of sudden decision points is a fairly commonplace one. But in a system that has sensitive dependence on initial conditions it’s as if every moment is a decision point at every moment the future trajectory is poised between possible different futures and the difference between those is a tiny little flap of gust of wind from a butterfly flapping its wings that determines which path that will go on so it’s this continuous sensitivity where every point along the journey a tiny change can make a big change later on and there is no way to know what those changes will be finally before moving on to talk about chaos I should mention that there is a really interesting history to this term the butterfly effect And I strongly recommend there is a short article by Hilborn in American journal of physics There is a link to it on the Complexity Explorer page right down there underneath this video it’s a three page non-technical piece, if you’re interested at all the history of this term it’s a great read I definitely recommend it Ok, so let me conclude this subunit by defining chaos We’re finally in a position where we can define the chaos in the mathematical sense So a dynamical system we would say is chaotic if it meets the following four criteria First, the dynamical system has to be deterministic The two types of dynamical systems we have studied so far in which are the topic of this course iterated functions and differential equations are most certainly deterministic as I’ve stressed throughout the first two units the dynamical system is just a deterministic rule if you know the rule and you know the initial condition that trajectory is unique, it’s determined let me skip over two I’ll do these in well , ok, so let me say this The system’s orbits are bounded meaning they can’t fly off to infinity So for the logistic equation we’ve seen that orbits that start between 0 and 1, remain between 0 and 1 for a system to be chaotic the orbits also have to be aperiodic ie they never repeat they never follow the exact same path twice it doesn’t go into a cycle so if the orbits were not bounded let’s say that we had just just the doubling function then we could have an orbit that would be aperiodic rigth if you double a number it just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger forever and it never repeats so that’s not so interesting so this requirement that the orbits be bounded is sort of like fine print that eliminates the possibility of orbits going off to infinity so we have bounded orbits that are aperiodic that are confined to stay in a unit interval or a square or something and yet nevertheless never repeat and then the last criteria for something to be chaotic is that it has to have sensitive dependence on initial conditions in the sense of we’ve just been talking about so if a dynamical system has these four properties then in physics or math would say it’s chaotic. There’s lots more to say about the implications of sensitive dependence on initial conditions and in general on chaotic dynamical systems We’ll talk about this in the rest of this unit and in many ways in the rest of the course. But in the next set of lecture I’d like to explore this idea that a dynamical system a deterministic dynamical system is capable of producing random behavior and in order to dig into this idea we’ll need to start by thinking about what even means to call something random so this will be the topic of the next lecture