okay so when we're setting up the simply economy there's a couple things we need to do right away first of all we know that we want to give the turtles well that was one of the basic premises of the original model so we have this command up at the top turtles own wealth that allows us to give that property of wealth to a turtle and in fact if you go over to the code and you get set up and you go right and you inspect a turtle they can pull one up and pull it over here right you can see that they now have a property of wealth right and we saw that before we're playing around with the agents of the turtles so that's the first thing we're going to do because we have to give them that that wealth as part of what they are right and then we go on to the setup routine and you'll notice in the setup routine we have that clear all right and we have the reset ticks that we talked about before but we also have this create turtles 500 so it's just by default creates 500 turtles it then sets their wealth to 100 so they all have a hundred units of wealth there's then set shape which is one of their properties right so if you go back over here and you look at the shape of one of the turtles right one of their properties will sever one of their properties and the inspection is shaping right so that's their if you flip back to the codes and stuff they're colored green and other that this is another built-in property so color shows up as 55 which is in fact green and in fact if I type in green here I get 55 because that logo has open 1:1 mapping between the young numerical value of the color green and the actual value the natural word green right it says the size the two that just makes them a little bit bigger right it so they're right there and then it sets their initially sets their XY to wealth which is a hundred so they're at the under the x-coordinate and there why to a random y-coordinates it just spreads them out up and down along the y-axis right there's a couple other things that we have to do in the setup the most important thing is so you'll notice that this inner this world looks a little bit different than the one we've used in a lot on there our square right so one of the things that we're gonna do is we're gonna change the world around so that it's better equipped to visualize the wealth and here we're really using the X access of the world to know how wealthy a particular agent is so right at the beginning they all start me or a hundred and as they go further to the right that means they're more wealthy to go farther the left that means are less wealthy right and so what we're going to do is wind change the origin to the corner which is down here and bottom left corner in particular sorry and then we're going to put the max px score at 500 the min is at zero because that's what corner does for the default the min P whiteboards is zero in the max P white bar is a V you know these aren't terribly important but we just want to be able to watch that distribution as they move left and right right we're they gonna set the path size to one the font size of ten and three major 13 these are all kind of just default settings right so this allows us to get kind of a rectangular view on the world so that's the basic idea behind the setup code right clear all create our turtles give them some wealth set their shape to a circle and their color to green just so they look somewhat uniform set their sides the twos they're a little bit bigger so we can actually see them we have 500 of them and then set their wealth to set their sorry their location to simply right along that hundreth x-coordinate and then a random y-coordinate and then we reset the ticks we're getting on to the next little bit of the procedure so I will talk about the DOE procedure in the next video