so before we get into the actual code in too much depth I want to talk a little bit about how we control netlogo code so we've talked a lot about the agents and their structure and everything along those lines but we haven't talked too much about actually controlling the flow so one thing that's fundamental to the notion of an agent-based model is and is really embedded within that logo but not required is this notion of an initiation phase and then in an iteration phase write an initialization iteration phase right and in that logo the way that it's suggested that you do that is by creating a set up procedure and a go procedure and now as you noticed in the past right we have all these set up and build buttons right and we've talked a little bit about the set up and go code right and those are kind of a great example of how you might do this initialization phase in this iteration so we're gonna show you we're going to divide down this model and split up this model into a setup phase and it go phase but there are a bunch of other commands that also control and are related to kind of be set up and go these initial Asian initialization and iteration phases so first of all it's the tick and tick is a command that basically just says this is the end of one of the iteration phases it's tiny glance in next one it just lets net logo know when to change for instance the graphs right and when to iterate the little tick counter that we saw at the top of the net logo world view right and then there's if an if Allison if is essentially conditional right it says if this is true then do this right and if else says if this is true then do this else do this other thing right there's a command called repeat that we may have seen that we've seen a little bit of before which says repeat something a certain number of times and then there's finally there's a command called wael that says while something is true do the following data loop so these are going to come into play as we look through the net logo code but given that kind of context let me now pause for a second and just you what the setup and go code looked like in the simply economy model and how they contain some of these elements that we've just discussed so here I pulled open the Sybil economy model and the smile is available under IBM textbook chapter two in the net logo models library so if you go up and you go up to file a file Milo's library and you go down to chaplain to IBM textbook and then go down to chapter two it's simply economy right so you can hit okay open it up and it will show up in your net logo application right and what we're gonna do over the course of the next couple of videos just go over this model in detail and show you how it was constructed right so just to give you an example right as we mentioned the there is a set up code and there is some go code in this procedure and one of the go codes uses the ask Turtles command that we've talked about a little bit before right to execute and it uses the width right to do a collection of those turtles right and have them carry out some actions and here's that if command that I talked about so if the wealth is less than or equal to the max px core in other words if they're about to move off the screen set their export wealth and won't get into the details about what this exactly means and then there's another one of these control variables called tick right which control you see tick usually at the end of every go loop it tells the model that the time it wants the next tick right if you'll notice at the end of the setup procedure there is a reset ticks command that also controls when to reset the ticks and that almost always happens at the end of every reset danrage setup command right and at the top of every set of man there's almost always a clear off command so the first thing I ever I do almost inevitably when creating a new model is type to set up clear all reset ticks and right and that kind of starts to create the model that I need and then all this type to go tick and and now I have a basic framework that works for almost every single got a little go model right so let's take a second and we're going to go back and we're going to look at some of the setup procedure for this particular model