[Music] hello everyone and welcome to the complexity Explorer tutorial on the fundamentals in NetLogo in this short little tutorial I'm going to be taking you through how to actually understand how to build an agent-based model and specifically within the language of NetLogo and so we'll be going all the way from what is in Agent base model what's its purpose and what's its goal very quickly because its more focused on the practice to actually how to build a model and actually put it together and get all the components in the right spots to actually very briefly at the end exporting the the results of a model and looking at them in something like an Excel or R or some package along those lines right so our goal is over just a few short lessons to really get you all the way through understanding what a model is and how you play around with it in NetLogo to building your own model and doing our best ability to get you that quickly now how is this gonna be structured well this course is very structured so that you should be following along on your machine at home on your computer working along with the tutorial in the discussion that we have right and so you'll be able to actually try things out and really play with them Im a big fan of believing that you learn through doing in many respects and so you'll be able to work alongside me as I go through and demonstrate the capabilities and in the NetLogo programming language right and then in the end we're actually gonna take everything we've learned where we've explored a bunch of little components like what is an agent what is a patch and what is the link and we're gonna put them all together to actually build a model together as over these videos right and we'll get to the point where you can actually generate some output and look at the output right and you'll be doing that kind of in synchrony with me right and then at the very end in the conclusion I've written up a homework assignment that essentially is without it doesn't have any of the data attached to it but instead just has a series of goals for you to kind of create that actually reproduces in essence a basic version of a model that I used for a publication in management science a top journal in the business management field right and so you can actually see how that model was created see the steps in creating that model and I will provide you with step-by-step code that kind of shows you the homework right so you kind of get an example of how to build up a model from scratch now if you're interested in you really like what you see in this tutorial I highly recommend you check out the agent base for the introduction the agent-based modeling course the full course that I do on complexity Explorer every summer right and it really kind of goes into more detail about what's going on and the theory behind what's happening within these models that we're going to disrupt in this course and it'll also provide you with a lot more tools and what we're gonna have time to talk to you and it's just this short little bit of course so that's the the basic outline for the course and that's the basic description what we're gonna cover and let's get right in and we're going to start talking about what an agent-based model is and and talk about what different types of agent-based models models look like in the NetLogo programming environment thanks everybody