Hi I'm Artemy Kolchinsky. In these tutorials we'll talk about what machine learning is examples of machine learning problems and some of the reasons why it's become so prevalent in the news let's just jump in and talk about what machine learning is first you might be curious how it differs from another term you've heard which is artificial intelligence I would say that artificial intelligence is the general science of creating intelligent automated systems this could be things like chess playing software software for controlling robots or industrial processes and many many other examples machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence and it's particularly aimed at designing software which can automatically learn to perform intelligent things from usually data that's provided to it and from this point of view in some ways is actually very closely related to statistics because statistics is also concerned about making inferences from data and using them to predict other things now to get a kind of schematic idea of the difference between these two we might consider two different artificial intelligence systems one of them is what's called the traffic avoidance the traffic collision avoidance system T caste and it's basically a system that was developed many decades ago to help planes avoid each other and avoid mid-air collisions this is essentially long list of if statements and conditions that says when to trigger alarms when to tell one plane to go up and another plane to go down and so on and these are hard coded rules that were designed to help avoid collisions this is not a machine learning problem because it's essentially some hard coded program now I'm an example of what I would say is a machine learning problem is the following given some data make a statistical model of something like personal annual income depending on things like age gender years in school geographical zip code and so on and you these what would be called independent variables to make a prediction about let's say how much money a person makes in a year now if you've taken a statistics class you might think that this is just could be solved with a simple linear regression and it turns out that that's true that's one way to approach the problem and simple linear regression is a simple case of machine learning it's using data to build a model that then can be used to make predictions about other things if you want a more cinematic example of the difference between AI and machine learning you can think of the computer in 2001 a Space Odyssey Hal 9000 which was seemed like he was essentially programmed to carry out a single-minded task of the space mission and that would be a classic AI example compare that to the computer in the 1980s classic war games which was trained to learn to play global thermonuclear war and then could learn to play things like tic-tac-toe and that would be an example of a machine learning a AI okay moving on I'm gonna talk about two major areas of artifice of machine learning supervised learning and unsupervised learning in supervised learning there's essentially a right answer to a question and we train the algorithm using but showing it what the right answers are examples of this might be the following I give you an image and I ask you to classify it as either cat or dog there's clearly a right answer for most images or I give you an audio recording and I ask you to parse the text that was actually said in that audio recording or finally I might give you some kind of stock market historical data and I ask you to predict what the stock market will be now the stock market will reach a certain level and so we can be right or wrong in this tutorial we'll mainly talk about supervised learning however you should also know about this other area of machine learning called unsupervised learning and in unsupervised learning there's no right answer per se but what we wish to do is find meaningful patterns in the data this might be something like take some very high demand dataset and represent it in a low dimensional space it might be something like take a dataset and cluster it into groups so that's another example you see on the screen where you can we visually can see that there's a scatter plot and there's some grouping there what is the right grouping well there might not be one right grouping but we still would like to consider things it also includes things like outlier detection anomaly detection where it's not exactly clear what the right answer is but it's still useful to have some kind of pattern finding algorithm in addition to supervised learning and unsupervised learning there's many many other mixtures and variations and alternatives to these such as transfer learning semi-supervised learning and so on we won't have time to get into most of these but you should know that this the domain areas of machine learning are very large but supervised learning is probably the one that's had the most successes recently and it's the one we'll talk most about okay so how does supervised learning actually work in supervised learning we're given what's called a training data set I'm gonna use the example of taking images and mapping them to a label dog or cat depending on what's shown in the image our training data set would then consist of a whole bunch of images and for each of those a label is this a dog or is this a cat now we take that training data set and we take what's called a statistical model or generally some kind of machine learning model and we take a learning algorithm and we'll talk about what happens in this process when they're combined but when they're combined we say that we train the model and the outcome of this is a trained model okay so this train model has learned something about the association between images and the label dog or cat and once we've trained it we can actually give this train model an image it has never seen before and it's going to make a prediction is this a dog or a cat and if we've done a good job then it should be right about its prediction and we'll talk about that more later okay so just one thing that's really important to remember is that we've talked about some examples like a classic one learning whether images or dogs or cats but there's many many many problems in the world that can be seen as supervised learning problems for example playing a video game automatically learning how to play a video game is an example of a supervised learning problem we can think of the supervised learning problem is learning and mapping from the current state of the video game screen to what should my next move be should it be left right jump or fire for example and one way that such models are trained in a term that you will hear is reinforcement learning reinforcement learning is a type of supervised learning in which essentially the algorithm performs many run throughs through some kind of sequence of events and at the end of these sequence of events it gets a positive or negative reward and it actually changes how it runs through the sequence of events so as to maximize the reward it's getting this will come up a little bit later in the context of go which we'll talk about in a later tutorial another example of a supervised learning problem is machine translation so I may give you a sentence in English and I might want your algorithm to learn how to translate this to a sentence in Spanish traditionally this has been a very difficult task for supervised learning and machine learning algorithms but as we'll also talk about later there's been actually a great deal of success in this recently and one thing you might hear in the context of machine translation and similar tasks is sequence learning sequence learning just means that the thing that you're mapping from or to is a long sequence of something like for example it could be a long sequence of words as in language and you will also hear the terms recurrent neural networks and things like short-term memory networks LST M's in conjunction with sequence learning so these are current neural network sirs the reason that there's been a lot of advances in language translation recently actually finally the last example I'll talk about is something like a recommendation system so we might want to take the set of songs that you've listened to on some kind of music listening up and now suggest a new song that we think you'll like based on what you've listened to you probably are all familiar with these examples and they actually can work surprisingly well in recommending things you actually end up liking so that's another example of a supervised learning problem okay so one of the last things I want you to remember and take away from this tutorial is that there's many many algorithms that are doing supervised learning here on the screen you see just a small subset of these in recent times you might have heard a lot about neural networks or deep learning which are actually an example of neural networks you should remember that neural networks are just one example of a machine learning algorithm momentum among many others they have like the other algorithms their strengths and weaknesses but we'll also talk later about some of the reasons why they might be so prevalent recently now in the next tutorial I'll talk about a spatial or geometrical way to understand how machine learning actually does what it does