Our guest spot for this unit is Professor Luis Bettencourt. Luis is a resident professor at the Santa Fe Institute. His background is in theoretical physics, but like many of the Santa Fe Institute faculty, he’s worked in a lot of different fields, ranging from computational neuroscience to epidemiology. Much of his current work is focused on studying cities as complex systems. So, welcome Luis. Thank you. So Luis, in this course we’ve covered metabolic scaling. We’ve talked to Geoffrey West. And now we’re looking at how complex systems science is being applied to studying cities. But let me ask -- why do you think it’s useful to view cities as complex systems? Well I think most people that start even just a little bit about cities know that they are complex systems in this way we’ve just described, in that they obviously look like they vary a lot. They’re made of many different pieces. They look all very different. There are poor parts of the city, rich parts of the city, parts of the city that are dedicated to some kinds of businesses or other. So there’s a lot of diversity. However, in whichever way you measure them, that makes the city look very diverse. They also share with some other complex systems the fact that cities by and large are open ended, so we’ve have cities certainly for now over ten thousand years, and there’s something recognizable about cities old and new, but they also have evolved obviously in terms of technology, in terms of what it is that people do, and so because of all this, I think cities are not just something you can study from just their economic consequences their social consequences, the way they are, they live in space and occupy space, or structure space, so all of these things need to come together social life, economic and material life, energy, but also the way the city exists in space and in time, because cities increasingly now with large suburbanized cities we cities that exist also in time, where people come together during the day and then disappear again at night people go back home. They really have the hallmark of something that evolves, not in terms of biological evolution, but in terms of things that we still struggle in the social sciences to define what evolution is, and also, perhaps most importantly, creates a new diversity, new ideas, new spatial forms that reflect what we can do as a species when we come together in large numbers in terms of our social life, and so the reason I like cities is that all of these things come together into the same problem. Okay. Well, it’s interesting that you use the term evolution. We’ve talked about evolution in a lot of different contexts in this course, and you say cities evolved maybe not in a biological sense, but in some sense and people in the past have certainly characterized cities as being sort of like organisms so I guess one question is, are cities alive or does it even make sense to talk about it in those terms? They are not like an organism, but they evolve, where an organism per se does not evolve. Other people, for example, compare cities to ecosystems famously Jane Jacobs did this in The Economy of Cities. In the sense an ecosystem has organisms and species that reflect certain properties. Functional properties, perhaps, functions that those creatures have in their niche but it’s the interaction of all these different functions that creates the ecosystem and in a city it’s a little like that, though with all the things they need to change changed, in that the city only really exists as you have division of labor between people, division of functions, and their integration back together so that out of scale, this increasing diversity and the productivity increases that division of labor and coordination of labor and colocation permits. You can have a system that evolves in that sense that at least superficially is like biological evolution that create new things. So in that sense, the city is probably in terms of human systems, the ultimate complex system, but it is a system that is very interesting, when we compare different complex systems, in that there’s a certain amount of the creation of new things, and the selection of those things, both of which occur also of course in biology, they become endogenous, they become part of the city itself, that’s why the city evolves as a whole just like, in sense, an ecosystem, although by very different means. Whereas an organism only has a very limited way of creating new information, which of course through reproduction, which is mostly random, and then the selection is known at the level of the environment. Okay. Let me ask a slightly different question. We looked a lot at scaling, different scaling laws and particularly in the context of metabolic scaling so far, and I know you’ve done a lot of work on scaling laws in cities, so let me ask first, what do you see as the main new thing that you discovered that hasn’t been known before? What we know now is essentially, in a nutshell, that cities are basically social reactors. They’re sort of open-ended places where a lot of people can come together and interact with each other and when things go well, and necessary organizations and technologies come together, there are places where we can do lots of good things together, in terms of having new ideas, producing things economically more productive, and so forth, but of course we can also do a lot of bad things so what I mean by that is that there are places where a lot of people can interact, react with each other, and create things that we can only create socially, there’s sort of a famous quote by E. O. Wilson, and he’s very interested in ants, and he calls a set of ants an ant colony a superorganism in the sense that even in genetic terms, they of course are very related, and that’s part of the explanation for their sociality, but he says that an ant alone is a disappointment you only find what ants can do when you understand how the colony works. But to a much larger extent you could say that a human alone is a little bit of a disappointment, that it’s when you actually find ways of integrating a lot of what humans can do together that you understand what we can do in terms of our creativity and our originality and how we deal also with resources, and that’s what cities are, cities are technologies to do just that. When you look at organisms versus cities, you find this interesting distinction that’s subtle but it’s important, which is that by and large the way we understand organisms to some extent also river networks, which may be something that you covered in your lectures, I’m not sure is that these are systems that exist in some sense to preserve information or certainly organisms, information is already there in the genome, but then they want to do that using the least amount of energy possible, and they form these networks that reach all parts of the organism that allow you to do that. In a city as I just described, it’s a little different, because in some sense you want to enable this reactivity of people and organizations, so you want to have people move around -- your cells in your body don’t move around and conspire to do new things. In fact when they try to do that, you kill them. You have many mechanisms to kill them. You don’t want anything inside the organism Yes, exactly. So what happens in cities is the opposite in that you need to promote all of these interactions, it’s out of the recombination that these heterogeneous elements that have different information, that new ideas new organizational forms come about. In order for a city to promote that, it still needs to occupy, in this case, cities live in space, so you need to have networks that allow you to cover all of space, and that’s the sense in which these networks bear some resemblance to those in biology for an organism that also need to irrigate all parts of space, but in these networks what you have is by and large information, people interacting with each other and creating new things, and that form of transport actually takes more energy, so it’s less efficient than the organism, but also creates an output that is greater, so this is what we call superlinear, so you find essentially there’s superlinear output in terms of products or social reactions like ideas, innovation, wealth, and so forth, but you also find a superlinear amount of energy, not so much in the network, which actually tends to be spatially smaller, just like in an organism a little bit, but because in that smaller network you need to move more things around faster, and that ends up creating more dissipation. So when you say superlinear, you mean when you look at some functionality with respect to the size of the city, right? Yes, so in some sense what you find is that superlinear just means that if you measure some property of the city, let’s say GDP or it’s number of crimes, and if you look at cities that you think are comparable, usually inside the same nation, but across different sizes, so you have small cities, medium cities, large cities, and you ask how that property varies with the number of people in the city, with the population, you find that typically social and economic things increase faster than population, so its per capita rates go up, and this is why large cities are more expensive, but also people earn more money, often they are more dangerous, and so forth. This is basically this characteristic which is essentially an acceleration on the rate of these social and economic interactions, this reactivity. So the reactor is basically getting a little hotter, in some sense much like a star. I like to use sometimes the analogy of a star. It’s a lot like a star, in that we have more mass, the reactions in the center are faster, and the star is hotter and everything is faster. In that respect, it’s a lot like a star, although quantitatively it’s a little different in that the physics and the social dynamics are different. What do you get out of predicting all of this? What kinds of applications are there of all this measurement? So the first thing is just to understand what kind of complex system a city is, because well, as you know, and probably as people watching this know, at least since Plato and Aristotle, people have been debating what kind of system a city is and how should we deal with it, in terms of policy or development infrastructure, etc. Should we want more cities, less cities, what kind of cities, what can actually someone like the mayor do to make the city better? If you think of a city primarily as a social network that lives in space and time, and if you think then of the infrastructure as a way to enable its socioeconomic activity, then you understand that there’s a value to infrastructure, for example, in terms of allowing a more efficient use of people’s time or costs, in terms of doing what people do well, which is their socioeconomic activity, so there's a sense in which one can start in some sense putting a value to what infrastructure actually does. You see this a lot in the history of urban planning, the last sixty years, you have cities that tend to be very dense, and that’s not good, because people cannot move around and meet people that they might actually want to and get organized and so those cities benefit essentially from having better infrastructure that allows movement not only of people, but also of things and information faster, but you also have then in the United States more recently, cities that become too large in terms of infrastructure where the cost of just moving across, at least in time, if not in other forms, is quite high, so those cities are just too diaphanous, and they cease to be easy places of human interaction, and so the theory that I’ve developed, basically tells you what are the right compromises in terms of social interactivity and the characteristics of infrastructure, and the structuring of space. The other answer is that this also allows us to put quantitative expectations as to what a city with certain characteristics like size and land area might do in terms of its wealth, or in terms of its innovation, in terms of its crime Some of this is contextual, because it depends a little bit on the history of that urban system but some of it depends on these general characteristics of cities, so that allows us to say a little bit how well a city’s doing relative to its peers, if you wish. One last question. So what’s the most exciting thing you’re working on now? So that’s a hard question, because you prefaced this by saying I work in too many things. I’m excited about them all. I didn’t say that. So what’s missing when you look at cities and human society more generally is that even though we now have a reasonable understanding of the properties of cities versus size we have a pretty poor understanding of the properties of cities in time. That goes to may others. You mean how they evolve? How they evolve over time? How they evolve over time, and this is of course all entangled with deep, deep questions like how is the US or any other country going to grow economically in this coming year, or is our society going to be more peaceful or less peaceful, because basically what you find is that the properties of cities, which vary across sizes, are then integrated in terms of an urban system of cities of many sizes, and there are these flows of people and information that occur between all of these places, and so it’s important that when you have an idea in New York, this idea is applied, for example, is applied everywhere that it can be useful. So when you develop computing in Silicon Valley the wealth of creating that computing is not in that idea per se, but it’s in the application of that idea everywhere, including to farming and agriculture, and mining and primary activities. So that cascading of ideas and organizations all the way through a society is what most people think is going on when you think about economic progress, economic growth, but also growth of other things, such as improvements in public health, and so forth. This is important in developed countries, but it’s especially important when you go to developing countries, where many of the properties of cities and human societies that we haven’t developed, countries are not there yet. And so there’s a question, for example, in terms of infrastructure and services So there’s a question about what is the path which you can create these properties of human settlements in order to enable a self-sustained way of creating again, social interactions, ideas, organizations, that allow this system to go on and evolve, and grow, at least economically. So that’s a very important question which has to do with economic growth and other things, and the other question is the question of creating actually a statistical theory of what cities are, both for organisms and for cities and for most other complex systems, for the brain and for many other systems, we have a very poor idea of their statistical character. For example, all of these scaling laws only give you an idea of what how a system behaves on the average, given its size or any other characteristics. But when you look at a particular creature, a particular city, it’s never quite that number it’s something around that. So the question is what creates these deviations all these quantities behave a lot like fluctuations in the stock market, at least in terms of their correlations multiple different processes. So they’re hinting to what happens in a lot of social organizations, not just in cities, as being the result of processes there are long chains of causation there, more like ants, so a city gets rich because it attracted people, it developed some infrastructure, that allowed them to do what they do, and discovered some technology and had finance, and more people came it’s a long history of things that need to happen, they’re all necessary in order to get to a certain place. There are interesting theories, they’re all qualitative, in the social sciences, that try to express this, and they are good candidates for explaining some patterns like crime, or wealth things like cumulative advantage and disadvantage, and so I think I’m close to having a way of describing that statistically and therefore end up with something that can actually make predications where we might expect we might know how wrong we may be and why. Well that sounds really interesting. We will look forward to hearing more about that later. Okay, well, thank you so much. You’re welcome, it’s been a pleasure.