Let's recall the definition of clustering coefficient. The clustering of a node is the fraction of all possible pairs of friends that are friends with each other. So Dan has two friends, Sara and Alan. And they're not friends with each other. So Dan's clustering is 0. The same for all the other nodes. They all have the same situation. So if we take the average of all those, it's just 0. So that's the clustering coefficient. However, if we look at this network, now that a single link has been rewired. You can see that Lynn and Jane still have clustering of 0. Each one of them has a 0. Ok, Sara has three friends, so there's 3 possible pairs: Jane to Dan, Jane to Alan, and Alan to Dan, and only one of those actually is a friendship link. So Sara has a clustering of 1/3. Ok, Dan has 2 friends, and they're linked. So his clustering is 1. All of his friends are linked. They're friends with each other. Alan is in the same boat - he has two friends, and his friends are friends, so he has 1. Now, if you take the average of 1,1, 1/3, 0, and 0, you get 0.47. So that's the answer, here.