In Wolfram's exhaustive study of elementary cellular automata, and other one-dimensional cellular automata, he organized the behaviors that he found into four different classes. Class 1, almost all initial configurations relax, after a transient period, to the same fixed configuration. The transient period is a period before the cellular automaton settles down into an attractor-like pattern. In Class 2, almost all initial configurations relax, after a transient period, to either a fixed point or a periodic attractor, but which one depends on the initial configuration. Class 3 this was for instance our rule 30, almost all initial configurations relax to a chaotic behavior, where here the term chaotic refers to apparently unpredictable space-time behavior. And it can be shown to be analogous to the kinds of chaos we saw in the logistic map. More on that a little later. And finally, Class 4. Some initial configurations result in complex localized structures, sometimes, long-lived. Again the example of this from Rule 110, where the idea is that these long strands, filament-looking patterns, which are sometimes called particles are localized, that is they are in a local small neighborhood and they live for a long time. So that's Class 4. Let's stop here for a quick quiz.