well let's see what the behavior it's serve the best individual at different generations. At generation 1 that is the very first generation where we used random strategies the population was just a bunch of random strategies the best average score was -81. Let's see why that's true here's the behavior that strategy on this particular environment of cans it's the individual moves down and then it crashes into a wall then it crashed into all again and again, and you can guess the rest of its life its gonna spend crashing into a wall scoring -5 points each time crashes So this slightly different scoring different environments but on average it does very poorly. Okay by generation 10 the best average score was all the way up 0 okay that's what better than -81. What did that individual do well here's that strategy on this particular configuration of can. And here's what it did. In other the words it did nothing. he just stayed put. By staying put it didn't crash into any walls or do any other bad things and so it got a score of 0. Well that's not very a satisfying but this was better than the other individuals in its population therefore it got to spread streets more than other individuals its generation. By generation 200 the fitness was up to 240 for the best individual. Here's what that did. It moved down doesn't pick up the can but moved down further that picks up the can then it comes back up pickup a can. Now it's gonna move back down moves all the way down to the bottom the cans and then picks them up so this one's doing a lot better than the previous one that long we saw it generation zero this course 240 generations later but this individual is picking up cans but tournament and inefficient way she could see and by generation a thousand which was the a maximum I let it run fitness is 492 on average and here's what this individual did. It does exactly what you'd expected to do it moves down, systematically picking up cans. My strategy remember said if you're have a can your site pick it up otherwise if there's it can adjacent site move there and so on this one is systematically going down and up and down and up. it's more systematic than my strategy Now there is one improvement on my strategy But there was actually another improvement which is a very surprising to me: innovation on the part of the genetic algorithm to explain why the genetic algorithm outperformed mine, I looked at my strategies behavior compared with the genetic algorithm strategies behavior in many different environments. Here's one particular type of environment that stood out. So here's Robbie in a cluster of cans so my strategy says pick up a can in the site if you can then move to an adjacent site if there's a can in an adjacent site we're here this cans into adjacent sites so picks one at random decides to move west. okay it picks up the can but now because it cannot see past one square in either direction it can't see this can overhear since it has no memory it's lost all information about this can and it stuck it doesn't see any cans around it and doesn't remember that had cans over here. However the genetic algorithm figured out a way to get around that problem and here's how it did. This is a genetic algorithm strategy it says don't pick up the can it moves over to the West now it picks up that can but now because it did not pick up this can here, it has sort of breadcrumb trail or tray love cans to get back to wear the cans cluster cans were so it doesn't have any memory itself probably doesn't have any memory but botanic algorithm invented this kind of external memory by leaving cans there and then having the robot come back and pick them up so it was pretty ingenious I thought and that's an example other genetic algorithm actually thinking of something that I didn't think of thus doing better then my own strategy did. Robbie is a robot is a very simple example that I came up with just to teach people about genetic algorithms but it does illustrate some interesting and general principles of evolution that are often seen in genetic algorithms. Let me just say what these are First is that natural selection works we went from a bunch of random strategies that perform very poorly and just using this kind of natural selection inspired by Darwinian natural selection the genetic algorithm evolved what is essentially a perfect strategy also evolution in our system seem to proceed be a period serve stay sis that is stain at about the same fitness level punctuated by periods of rapid innovation and that something is also seen in biological evolution in both molecular evolution for since evolution of viruses and evolution a bacteria all through to large-scale evolution thats seen in the fossil record closes a little bit controversy on in general were able to show that in genetic algorithms this kind of behavior is quite common even though there's no external events happening to cause this rapid steep innovation. And I should say that this is in biological evolution this kind of phenomenon has been called punctuated equilibria. another principle is that the phenomenon of accept haitian is common acceptation means the shifts in a function of a trait during evolution and we saw that happening in that trait that cost the robot to not pick up a can but move past it So you actually saw that happening at generation 240 and that was the inefficient version of the strategy. there it wasn't a very good treat because it cost the robot to be very inefficient not pick up all the not have time to pick up all the cans but it was hold by the genetic algorithm by evolution to actually be a very efficient trait in that it became only used in appropriate circumstances like the one I just showed you where I compared my strategy to the genetic algorithm strategy and so that trait was shaped by evolution from being a rather non adaptive to a very adaptive trait and that's also seen in biological evolution. And finally the dynamics and results of evolution are somewhat unpredictable and hard to analyze even in this extremely simple version of evolution and it takes a lot of work to try and understand what though results a pollution are doing why the are fit had how they evolved these are all in genetic algorithms unpredictable and typically either very hard or impossible to analyze.