Our guest spot for this unit is professor John Rundle. He is distinguished professor of physics and geology at University of California, Davis. He is also an external professor at the Santa Fe Institute and he works on developing methods for earthquake forecasting and risk management, using dynamical systems and other complex systems methods and extending those methods to other natural phenomena, such as economic crises. So welcome, John. Thank you. Our class is currently covering fractals. We haven't talked about power laws yet, but we've talked about fractal dimension and we've looked at some famous fractals. What would you say is relevant to fractals in your own research? OK, so earthquake faults - earthquakes are current earthquake faults and earthquake faults are irregular objects and if you look at them geologically in the crust you have faults of all scales, all sizes and the individual faults themselves - people have looked at the sort of fault trace, if you will, and found that they seem to have various fractal characteristics geometrically. In addition to the geometrical object of the fault is earthquake fault is the statistics are also fractal in a sense in that they have power laws. So if you look at the number of small earthquakes, as a function of their what's called a seismic moment, which is a measure of the energy put out by the fault. That turns out to be a power law. It reflects the fractal characteristics of the underlying fault structure. OK. So the fun way in which fractals enter into what we do. OK. In the class we looked at a little bit of fractal analysis of time series, like for stock prices and we're wondering about how useful those kinds of analysis techniques are in giving you insight into what's going on say in earthquake time series. There's been a lot of recent work by people like Gene Stanley and Didier Sornette and some others on the details of the analogy or metaphor if you will, between earthquakes and financial crashes. In fact, it's kind of interesting there have been a number of recent books in the financial literature where they talk about crashes as earthquake-like events and the crashes often have what people refer to as aftershock events. So it turns out the statistics are very similar if you look at the tails of the...if you look at price changes, daily price changes in the financial markets and you look at the number of price changes as a function of their size and you restrict yourself only to the biggest price changes, it turns out that those statistics look very very similar if not identical to the statistics of large earthquakes. So the tails of the distributions seem to be very similar and there is the tendency to want to identify large crashes with earthquake-like events. So I've read that there's some kind of controversy about applying statistics like fractal dimension and related fractal characteristics to things like stock prices and other phenomena. Do you think that those are valid methods of analysis? I do, because we actually looked at theses things in a variety of different ways through a variety of different sort of mathematical lenses and we've actually concluded that there are useful physics involved in this analogy. A lot of what I'm doing recently is not so far been published, because we've been looking at real financial systems with these ideas and I'm consulting at the moment with some hedge fund guys and actually produce algorithms that are useful in trading and it turns out so far these algorithms are really quite useful. In terms of earthquake forecasting, what's the state of the art? So in terms of earthquake forecasting, the basic idea is this: We look at the Gutenburg-Richter magnitude frequency relation. I didn't say those words before, but that's essentially what I was talking about when I said a number of small earthquakes is large relative to the number of big earthquakes. So it's power law. You can understand it this way - for every thousand magnitude three earthquakes there's approximately one magnitude six earthquake. For every magnitude four earthquake there's roughly ten magnitude threes, a hundred magnitude two's and so forth. So you can use this relationship in the following way: If you look in a region where you've recently had say a magnitude six earthquake and you just start counting magnitude three's, then after you counted another thousand magnitude three's it's about time for another magnitude six. OK? So this is the basis for the forecast that we have embedded into a website called openhazards.com. So you can go there and get a global forecast. It's free and open to the public, anywhere in the world, based upon this idea. OK, and how successful has it been at forecasting? We can test the forecast with the standard test for forecasting, which are Brier skills scores, reliability attributes tests, receiver operating characteristics test. All these tests are used for forecasting, for weather forecast as well as financial forecast and you can actually construct forecast to do pretty well. Now, with that being said, we do deal with probability. One of the interesting things that we've recently seen is if you look in the Japan region, so if you look at all of Japan (the region right around Japan) that was as people know on March 11, 2011 there was a magnitude nine earthquake there, which killed 20 000 people with a tsunami. It turns out that since that magnitude nine earthquake there had been about a thousand magnitude fives. So in just the last two years there had been a thousand magnitude fives. Now this relationship that I told you about earlier would seem to imply that for every thousand fives there's a hundred sixes, ten sevens and one magnitude eight is due. So this would seem to imply that Japan right now is at risk for a major earthquake of magnitude eight or larger. In the relatively near future. The next year or two. OK, so this is actually...we've actually put this out on a blog on our website notified as many people as I can think of about this possibility and we'll see what happens. This relationship - this Gutenburg-Richter magnitude frequency relation, this power law statistic has indeed been seen to be true in every region in the earth where people have looked and for all times. So it seems to be a fairly robust statistic. But you can't really predict when the earthquake is going to happen within a year or something, can you? Not at the present time. We can only say that the conditions are in place for such a major earthquake in the relatively near future. OK, do you think the same kinds of methods will apply to predicting crashes and financial markets? Very good question. I don't know the answer to that yet, because we haven't really looked in that direction yet, but as you know and maybe some of the people on the course know the statistics of price changes are what they call lepto cryptotic so it's got power law tails and it looks something like a Gaussian in the middle, so it's a little bit different than earthquake faults, which looked to be pretty much pure power law. The ideas should translate in some way and we haven't really looked at that yet, but we will. So what's the most exciting thing you 're working on right now, exciting to you. Right now we're still working on the earthquake forecast and we're also working on numerical simulations of massive fault models, earthquake fault models. These are models in which - they're rather like climate models so we build systems in the computer that have many faults and sub-faults and pieces of faults and let them interact and they have friction on them. The idea is to generate a synthetic time histories of millions of earthquakes and study the statistics of those. Great and my very last question is: We have a lot of people on this course in different fields and some of them are interested in getting into complex systems, but are daunted by the number of different areas that one needs to know, So can you say a little about your advice to students who were interested in getting into the field of complex systems? Advice to students getting into complex systems? Well, the thing I would say, two things, several things is one is you need to have a pretty good computational background. You need to have some knowledge of mathematics. But not an extraordinarily high level of knowledge you certainly need to know calculus, you definitely need to know something about probability and statistics and you need to have an open mind. You need to consider lots of different ideas and the fact that systems, which appear to be quite different may in fact be in some underlying way very similar. That is a very big leap of imagination for some people and some professionals who devoted their lives to a particular field, but it's a leap you need to be able to make in order to make any progress in this field. Great, well thank you so much. OK, thanks.