In this subunit, we'll go back and look again at the Lorenz equations. At the risk of giving away the punchline, we'll see a strange attractor there too. It's similar in some ways to the strange attractor of the Hénon map but there's some differences too. Mainly because this is a three dimensional differential equation and so the solution of the differential equation moves around continuously in a three dimensional phase space. In contrast for the Hénon map, the points jumped from position to position on a plane. But they're similar in that it's an attractor on which the motion is chaotic. So I'll start by reminding you about the Lorenz equations and showing solutions for a few different parameter values. Then we'll use a couple different computer programs to visualize the three dimensional structure of the Lorenz attractor and see how it's both attracting and chaotic. So here are the Lorenz equations. They're a system of three differential equations. The variables are x, y, and z. There are three parameters σ, ρ, and β. Once we fix those parameters we have a dynamical system and that's just a rule that tells us how x, y, and z change over time. Since this is a differential equation it is one of those indirect rules that specifies x, y, and z by telling us, not x, y, or z directly, but their rates of change. So the solution to the Lorenz equations, we need to choose initial conditions, initial x, y, and z. Of course fix parameters, σ, ρ, and β. And then use Euler's method or something like it to plot some solution curves. So let me just review what we did before. Here are solution curves x, y, and z for these parameter values. So σ=10, ρ=9, and β=8/3. Each of the solutions wiggles up and down and is approaching a fixed point; x is a little more than 5, 4 excuse me, y is a little more than 4, z is right around 8. So if we plot these in three dimensional space, so x against y against z, we're not going to plot time but just how x depends on y and z and so on. We get the following picture. Here it is. So x is wiggling as it approaches this fixed point. Y goes back and forth as it approaches a fixed point. And z moves up and down as we appraoch that fixed point. So we're spiraling in to a fixed point. So we saw that behavior, we also saw some interesting periodic behavior, at least I think it's interesting. So that was this parameter values. The only change is that ρ=160. And we solve this dynamical system we get, there's our x curve, there's our y solution and there's the z solution. So three variables, x, y, z, we get three solutions x, y, z. And as before we think of this as specifying a point in three dimensional space.