For Israeli and Goldenfeld it's all about taking one of two possible paths and getting to the same place One path says Okay, look I have a fine-grained description of the system I'm going to evolve it forward with my fine-grained rule and at the end I'm going to simplify the answer I'm gonna say look yes I mean I kept track of all these details but in fact you know what? I only need to know some of the output I only need to know some of the final stages of system So you can think of that as sort of walking along like this and then projecting up Another way you can do it though right, is you can say look you give you this fine-grained description but I know I don't really care so much about this I'm going to project that down. Here's my fine-grain beginning initial condition I'm going to project that down to a simpler description and then I'm going to use a new rule that allows me to evolve that simplified description forward. So there are two paths and if you've done it right, they'll get you to the same place evolve the fine-grained system forward and project or project and evolve the coarse-grained description forward. A mathematician would say that these two operations right, the operation of evolving forward and the operation of projecting up commute you can do one or the other in either order, and you'll get the same answer A then B projecting then evolving is the same as B then A evolving and projecting. So let's see how this plays out with a particular example. Again, I'll just take one from their paper. This is rule 105. Rule 105 is quite similar to rule 150 which you've seen before. It takes the XOR of the three pixels above the pixel in question and then inverts them. So that's the only difference between rule 105 and 150 is that final inversion. Another way to think of that is equivalently, the output is black when there's an even number of black cells above. alright So now you know what we have to do, right? The first thing is we're going to consider not the final state of one pixel but the final state of two pixels. And we're going to ask what happens not when you take one time step but in fact when you take two time steps. And that means that those two final pixels will depend on a group of six pixels two time steps previously. And now we'll consider those pairs of pixels to be the supercells. So you have a big supercell here, which is two pixels [takes] four possible states and you have three supercells up here. So that's our f hat What we have to do now is find a combination, a projection p that takes that supercell and summarizes it, simplifies it. It maps each of those four possible states down to one of two possible states We have a projection p and we want to find an evolution operator g that allows us to evolve forward those projected down superstates. So the p is what takes you from the fine-grained descriptions up to the coarse-grained description and that g is what's going to take you between to coarse-grained descriptions at different times. So you can either go f, f, f, f, f, p or p, g, g right For every two times you iterate f you're going [of course] only to iterate g once and this simple example we'll just do the case where you skip one step and so you have supercells of size two so Fortunately it turns out It is possible to find a p and g that enable that diagram to commute and here it is in the case of Rule 105 Right in this case the projection rule says look if the supercell has one cell that's black and one cell that's white make that's all white if Both cells are white or both cells or black then make it black It's sort of like an extra rule itself in fact Actually, it looks a little bit like an edge detector it's as, look, if there's a difference within the supercell mark it one way But if there's no difference in the supercells that are homogeneous mark it the other way If you use that projection operator then it turns out in fact that your g Right which is now of course taking binary values right take a binary value because you projected the four possible states supercell down to a cell It only has one of two possible states, and that's what g operates on that g evolution operator actually turns out to be rule 150 So what we've shown is that it's possible to find a non-trivial coarse-graining ??? an interesting one ??? to find a non-trivial coarse graining and an evolution operator that's still within the space of cellular automata some of an evolution operator that enables that diagram to commute. And so now just as we were able to talk about different kinds of Markov chains coarse-graining into each other we're now able to talk about how rules coarse-grain into each other. And in fact for a non-trivial projection operator Rule 105 course-grains into rule 150. Here's what it looks like. In the top you can see the fine-grained level description and the bottom you can see the coarse-grained level description. At the top there you can see that we have the smaller pixels and those smaller pixels are both small in the x direction along this axis here and smaller in the time direction then in the coarse-grained case the coarse-grained case of course ???mps pairs of states into one and then in fact the jumps are now larger there are two time steps instead of one. And by looking at the the comparison between these two you can sort of see what's going on, right. First of all of course the coarse-grained description is capturing something interesting about the fine-grained description, right. We still have this idea that these triangles are sort of These these little perturbations that begin That we begin with that lead to these expanding ways right we still get that kind of wave like texture. These sort of propagating spaces that have kind of internal structure But you can also see that we are missing things too, right? So if you look at those two triangles at the fine-grained level one of them is sort of darker than the other But in fact when we coarse-grain the differences between those two triangles goes away. So somehow rule 150 when we evolve it forward is operating our coarse-grained descriptions. That's thrown out some interesting features of Rule 105 another obvious feature here that distinguishes rule 105 from rule 150 is that we lose that kind of zebra stripe pattern and that's of course because if A pair of squares is both white or both black the projection operator maps them both into a square that's both black. So we've lost some of the structure both in the sort of places where those opening Propagating triangle waves have sort of reached it and also within the triangles themselves This gives you a little bit of a better sense now as we'll see it's not always the case. That's the picture that you get when you coarse-grain looks similar in some important respects to the fine-grained descriptions Here it's a particularly elegant example of how we we're able to capture something about the rule But of course not everything we can't really capture everything of course because that projection operator is a lossy compression, it throws out information. And for rule 105 it really matters whether everything is white or everything is black But in fact the rule 150 when we do the projection it masks both of those cases to the same state. so Israeli and Goldenfeld hacked and they hacked and hacked and hacked and they looked at all 256 rules. And they tried to figure out how or the extent to which one rule could course-grain into another. So these arrows here show you how it's possible to find whether or not it's possible to find a projection operator and an evolution operator that allows one rule set to map to another upon that coarse-graining and in fact they consider not only supercells of size 2 but also size 3 and size 4 and and computation of this starts getting really hard because there's so many different kinds of projection operators you can use and there's so many different possible evolutions that you can pick that you start to run out of time it gets exponentially hard to find a good projection operator, that gets exponentially hard to search the space. There's only a partial map, but what you can see here is for example in the bottom the result that we just talked through a little bit laboriously which is the fact that it's possible to find a projection operator that takes you from state 105 or from evolution rule 105 to evolution rule 150. By the way one of the things you can notice from this graph is that it's clear that Israeli and Goldenfeld haven't actually found every possible coarse-graining relationship. And that's because there should be a feature of this network that doesn't actually happen. And that's that if A coarse-grains into B If A renormalizes into B, if it's possible to find a projection and evolution operator to take A and B and B renormalizes into C it's possible to find a projection that takes B into C then it should also be possible to renormalize A into C of course now you're going to be course-graining twice and it's harder of course for Israeli and Goldenfeld to find those but if you look at this chart what you should see is for example the fact that not only does rule 23 coarse-grain to rule 128 and not only does rule 128 coarse-grain to rule 0 but it also should be the case that it's possible for rule 23 to coarse-grain all the way down to rule 0 just by doing two projections and zooming out even further. That said Israeli and Goldenfeld did a pretty good job looking at an enormous number of possible relationships between all of these possible rulesets And I find these diagrams quite compelling. It tells you something really complicated, really interesting about how deterministic rules and deterministic projections map into each other other. One of the things that you'll see from that network is that not only does rule 105 coarse-grains to rule 150 but in fact rule 50 coarse-grains into itself. So the pretentious way to say this this is a fixed point of renormalization group. With that projection operator you actually take rule 150 into a zoomed-out version of itself. You sort of skip a step, you project down the supercells and you recover the same rules. Now it's important to notice there's a subtlety here, right. It doesn't mean that the image itself is self-similar doesn't necessarily mean the rule 150 is kind of fractal in some interesting way. Because the coarse-graining may not be the kind of coarse-graining that just simply zooms out. Consider for example the projection we had going from rule 105 to 150. Now wasn't a simple decimation in the way that we did on the Alice picture for example at the beginning of this renormalization module. In that case, right, we're renormalizing Alice. We took her picture, we looked at little packages of cells, and we just take one of the values to define The value of that grid of that larger grid cell that's supercell in the Alice case. But if you remember the rule 105 to rule 150 projection that worked and that case was actually an edge detector. If the cell was all white or all black it got mapped to something that was all black. So it doesn't necessarily mean that if you kind of fuzz rule 150 it still looks like rule 150. It really depends upon the details of that projection operator. That said in fact you might think of it another way. Ihe rule 150 is a fixed point of renormalization group with potentially a much more interesting projection than a simple decimation.