In this lesson, we will see a first application of algorithmic information dynamics to an abstract area of mathematics - that of graph theory - and also to a major area in science - that of network reconstruction or network reverse engineering. We will use these concepts, and at least three papers, in direct connection to these applications. But, obviously all other papers about CTM and BDM are relevant, including two-dimensional complexity and graph complexity. So, you may remember what is the graph spectrum of a graph. It is a list of eigenvalues of its adjacency matrix, sorted from largest to smallest. Something very interesting is that the area has very few analytical results, and a lot of what is known is mostly empirical. There are some obvious eigenvalues related to very simple cases, such as in the case of the complete graph. In a complete graph, the largest eigenvalue is proportional to the size of the graph. So, it basically provides the size of the network, because all the entries in the adjacency matrix in a complete graph are 1. So, it is not difficult to see and even prove how it can be shown that the largest eigenvalue is related to the number of nodes of a complete graph. But, for non-trivial graphs, very little is known about the behaviour of the eigenvalues, with respect to classes of different graphs. Usually, the largest eigenvalue is considered to be the most informative. And, that's why it is traditionally placed first in the graph spectrum. But, not even that is known or true in general, and traditionally, the rest of the eigenvalues are ignored - even when the first one is traditionally associated only to the graph size. And so, the rest may encode more interesting features about the graph, but we just disregard them. So, one project that we have started [which is] far from being closed, is an investigation of the informative value of different eigenvalues in graph spectra for different graph types. Notice this requires an objective measure, because we don't know what an eigenvalue is measuring in different graphs. So, it is not possible to define a cost function that requires no inner feature of interest, where no feature of interest in the graph or the eigenvalue is known or identified - let alone of the association or relationship. So, this is an obvious application of algorithmic information dynamics, because we want to compare each eigenvalue to the algorithmic content of the graph, in order to find which one is capturing most of the graph properties. And, to do this we can evolve graphs. So, as I said, in graph spectral theory - traditionally, only the first eigenvalue is considered or kept. Another option... that is also very frequent is to take all eigenvalues to have the same informative value or the same weight. However, we know that they capture different features for different graphs. One way to study eigenvalues is, therefore, to plot them on a space. Then, make them evolve, and take the distance from those eigenvalues to different mutated versions of the same graph. and compare against all eigenvalues to see why and how they change, and whether they follow the loss or gain in information content after applying a perturbation to the original graph. So, these are some of the very first results we have found. First, that the largest eigenvalue is not by far the only one highly correlated to the graph complexity - meaning that, indeed, the other eigenvalues are encoding important content of the original graphs. And so, they shouldn't be disregarded in principle or a priori. Each dot here on the screen is a different graph class. A class can be, for example, a Cayley graph, which is a graph with particular algebraic properties that have implications in [the] size of the graph... automorphism group, to which they belong. And, having no symmetries, they tend to be [on] their own in their own automorphism groups. Another type of graph can be the set of lattices. Or, another type of graph can be planar graphs, that is, whose edges do not cross each other in some embeddings in two dimensions and so on. So, the way we identify the most informative eigenvalue is by performing the perturbation analysis to a graph, thereby emulating the changes that a graph can be subject to. And then, we track the eigenvalue behaviour against the changes of algorithmic probability of the graph, and match the eigenvalue that best describes the direction of the... evolving trajectory of the graph. More interestingly, we can do the same for different... measures, such as Shannon entropy, and even select a feature of interest and see which eigenvalue matches the Shannon entropy change for that feature, relative to the change of algorithmic content of the graph and so on - maximising the ways to characterise a graph by different measures, relative to the behaviour of different eigenvalues. So, this approach is very rich, because it puts together many areas - just as we like to do with algorithmic information dynamics. In particular, it combines algebraic and spectral graph theory, perturbation analysis, algorithmic complexity, information theory and dynamical systems. In another application of algorithmic information dynamics to graphs and networks - different to the study of graph spectra - is the evaluation of methods that are used to reconstruct networks representing events happening among objects, such as genes, to reconstruct genetic regulatory networks. The area of network reconstruction is very large, and thousands of methods exist - but little has been done to find ways to evaluate these methods with other than very simplistic measures. Here is, for example, a pipeline that we suggested to evaluate how much of the original algorithmic information content of a network, represented by data, was preserved by different algorithms reconstructing those networks. And, how to compare each other to different techniques, including reduction methods - such as graph spectra itself and motive profile analysis using various assessing methods including, for example, lossless compression and, of course, BDM. One approach suggested by algorithmic information dynamics is simply to evaluate how good a network reconstruction algorithm can be at capturing the algorithmic information content of the original network. So, here we did it for five of the best and most popular algorithms for network reconstruction on different graph topologies. And, one can also see which parameters are best, or can be optimised, when reconstructing a network, in order to keep or lose information - such as edges - and then find an optimal cut-off value, sometimes or even always necessary when using popular network reconstruction algorithms. So, a similar assessment, based on algorithmic complexity, can be performed. In the next lesson, we will see how to actually analyse these type of gene regulatory networks, that are often the result of applying these reconstruction methods, but can also be derived or validated by performing actually in material experiments. [ end of audio ]