Hello! This is a brief bonus lecture and what I'm gonna do in this lecture is show you that there're infinite number of prime numbers. In other words, I'm gonna prove the infinitude of primes. Now, this is really one of the gems of the history of mathematics and the history of science, and using, as we'll see in a moment, just primitive tools for the most part we can prove that, in fact, there're infinite number of prime numbers. And, as I've indicated, this proof goes back to someone called Euclid, who's generally considered the founder (one of the founders) of geometry and the proof dates to at least 300 BC. So let's begin with the definition of what a prime number is. A prime number beginning with then number 2 is an integer greater than or equal to 2 whose only whole number divisors are 1 and itself. So, for instance, 2 is the smallest prime. 3 is the next prime in the sequence of primes. 5 is the next. 7, 11, 13, and so forth.