Hello, this is section 1. The topic of the section is common sets of numbers and set notation. So, the goal of this section is basically just to orient ourselves and build a common foundation for learning the language of mathematics, including set notation, set building notation, and, specifically, therefore, very common sets of numbers I want to solve to be aware of as we move forward in this unit. The first of these sets of numbers is written as a capital Z, or you could say, boldface Z, and that is concise notation for the set of all integers. Now, integer is just synonymous with a whole number, okay? So, this capital Z, stands for the set of all integers. Now, how big is that set? Well, that set's an infinite set. There's an infinite number of integers. In fact, it's a doubly infinite array of numbers. So I'm gonna write another description of that set (the set of all integers) in what's called set notation. So, for set notation, you start with a curly brace, okay? So a left curly brace, and then at the end of this definition I have a right curly brace, over here, and then between them I'm gonna fill in all this concise description and all the elements of that set, separated by commas. Let me show you how this works. So we have a dot dot dot. I'll talk about what that means, and let's just say negative three, negative two, negative one, zero, one, two, three, dot dot dot. I'm gonna append this with a right curly brace. Okay. So there is set notation for the set of all integers. What I've done is that I'm separating the elements or, simply, let's call them members of the set of all integers by commas, and on the end here I'm sort of bookending this description with what's called ellipsis, so the dot dot dot just means we continue on forever on both directions, to positive infinity to the right and to the left with respect to negative infinity. That's what I meant by being a doubly infinite array. Okay. Now, I can describe this set. I'm gonna draw something called a Venn diagram here. So let's just say I have this framework. I have a universe of sets. So, U just stands for universe. This is an example of a Venn diagram. Within that universe, I have this set, to be except, for sure, the set of all integers. So we just label that. It's kind of a bubble, and just slap on this Z there, just to indicate that set of all integers. Now, the question I want to ask or pose is: Are there numbers outside of that set that we can imagine? And the answer is, of course, yes, and there're lots of numbers you're probably well familiar with that aren't contained in the set of all integers. I mean, one such example, would be like the number 1/2, right? 1/2 would be floating out here. Somewhere. I'm just gonna use a sort of dot to indicate 1/2 is out there. Certainly it's outside of the set of all integers. So, on the heels of that, let's introduce some little bit more notation. So, there's set notation. Now, we'd like to, when we talk about sets, be able to coherently describe what's called a membership in that set. So, for instance, here's the notation as it works. Let's say, the number 4. The number 4. That's a whole number. That's an integer. So, I can write this notation. So, I would read this as follows. This symbol, if your not familiar, is epsilon, and epsilon here, with relation to sets, just means "is an element of". You could read that as 4 is an element of the integers, or you can say 4 is contained within the integers. So, yeah, sure enough. 4 is in the integers. That's in the bubble. Somewhere in my Venn diagram, but 1/2 is not in there. So, that's how we denote membership in a set. "4 is an element of" We use the epsilon symbol. I could similarly write 0 is an element of the integers, or 8 is an element of the integers, and so on. How can I show something's not an element of it using this membership notation? Well, for instance, we just observed, casually, "1/2 is not an element of" So, I'm just gonna say epsilon with a slash through is the typical way to notate this, and 1/2 is not an element of, remember, of the integers. In fact, we can see almost, really, any fraction is not gonna be contained in the integers, so there's a lot more out there to sort of discover. That leads us to our next kind of natural set of numbers. Think of Q as standing for quotient. So, capital Q, is again a concise notation standing for what's usually referred as the set of all rational numbers. What's a rational number? By definition, a rational number is just like a ratio. It's a fraction. The set of all rational numbers is the set of all fractions. We can write all the elements in that set in the following fashion. I can say Q consists of all the elements that look like this "a" divided by "b" and this vertical line in set builder notation is read "such that". So, the set of all things that look like this defining membership here this criterion a and b are integers and if we're totally thorough we can't divide by zero. We can't have zero in the denominator. So we also have to specify that b cannot be zero. So there you have it. One more comment on the integers and the rational numbers is they have a nice relationship if you think about this. The integers are entirely contained inside of the rationals. Another way to put that is the integers are a proper subset of the rationals, and the way that's written in set notation is that you would say the integers are contained inside of the rationals. So this notation is what's called a subset or you could think of containment. So, again, we would just say Z is a subset is contained within the rationals. How do I illustrate that with a Venn diagram? Let's just draw another bigger bubble that entirely contains Z. Also it's gonna contain this fraction 1/2 for sure. And there, that outer bubble, is my Q so Z is entirely contained within it That helps to sort of connect these things. Of course we all know, for instance, in terms of numbers 1 is less than 2. We use this kind of relation symbol. Well, similarly for sets, we can talk about kind of one set in the sense of being less than another one. So, this relation just means this set, Z, is contained or smaller in the way is contained inside of Q. Okay. So what we're gonna do is build up a full sequence of the most common sets of numbers you'll ever encounter in any applied science field beginning with Z and Q. That's kind of our basis.