Here's an overview of Euler's method for solving differential equations of this form. The derivative of some unknown function X is just a function of X, and we assume that we know the starting value of this function X, - so this could be temperature, this could be position, could be anything. So, we start - we need to choose a step size, - that's a choice that we get to make, and we'll start at time t equal 0, where we know the X value. So, then using the current value of X, the equation - the differential equation - this function, tells us the rate of change. So, we know how fast X is changing. We then use this rate of change to determine the next value for X, This is the current value for X, this is how much X changes, in the time interval delta t. This is a little bit of make-believe - we're pretending that the rate of change is constant for this time interval delta t, and we can use that to figure out the next value of X, then, we increased t by delta t and we go back to this step, and we figure out the derivative again. The derivative tells us how to go forward a little bit in time to figure out the next X, then we update time, figure out the derivative again, move forward to figure out X. So 2 and 3 - these are the key steps here, - wer'e constantly shuffling back and forth, the function - the differential equation - tells us the derivative, - here we use the derivative to figure out the value of X, and then we go back, X gives us the derivative from the differential equation, - we use a derivative to figure out X, and so on. So, one repeats through these processes until you have enough of a solution. So, in practice, one would choose smaller and smaller delta t until the solution curve stops changing. So, if you chose a delta t of 2, and then 1, and then .01, and .001, doing this on a computer, or a spreadsheet, and eventually one would see that your table of values, if you plotted them, your X's would stop changing, and that would be an indication that you're delta t was small enough. So, this is Euler's method in a nutshell. It gets at the heart of what the differential equation means, - the rate of change is given by the quantity X, we use that rate of change to figure out X, so, again we're thinking of this as a dynamical system, - it's a rule that specifies how X changes, the rule is written in terms of the derivative, - the rate of change of X, rather than X directly, but, not a problem, Euler's method, or things like it, let us convert from rates of change in to the function itself.