Hello everybody. Today we’re talking to Doyne Farmer. Doyne is Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University in England and he co-directs the program on complexity economics at the Institute for New Economic Thinking, also at Oxford. In addition, Doyne is external professor at the Santa Fe Institute. Doyne is a prominent scientist in so many fields that I’ve lost track. But perhaps most prominently, he was a pioneer in the study of dynamical systems and chaos, and in time series analysis and in applying ideas from complex systems to economics and also to studying the evolution of technology. And I’m sure I left something out. But anyway, welcome Doyne. Thank you. So let me ask, you’ve been studying economics for a long time, even though your background is in theoretical physics. In this unit, we’re studying self-organization in various systems in nature and in technology. Would you say that the economy is a self-organizing system? Definitely. I would actually say that the thinking about self-organizing systems came first from economics, when Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations, he marveled at the invisible hand, such that people could each pursue their own selfish purposes, and yet somehow, things that are good for everybody emerge. He didn’t put it in exactly those words, but that’s the basic idea. And that was 1776. In a certain sense, he was the first person to really articulate what a self-organized complex system was about. Do you think that economics has anything in common with other systems in nature that we look at as self-organizing systems? I know you’ve studied the immune system and a number of other systems in nature. What are the commonalities? Well, the commonalities are that you have entities interacting through interactions with each other and blah blah blah, so at that easy level there’s commonalities, but I think you can view what happens in an economy as a type of learning, very much like people in machine learning often use -- it’s a self-organized kind of learning where each individual is processing his or her information and taking a certain set of actions and communicating signals to other people through crises, through consumption, through production supply and demand, and the forces of those things are in turn, altering the variables that everybody sees and feeding back and so I think that there’s actually quite a lot of commonality. In fact, in simple in some simple models in economics you ended up with quantities like somebody’s wealth looking exactly like probability in a Bayesian updating algorithm. Dmitriy Cherkashin and I wrote a paper on a simple model for a kind of very, very simplified economy where exactly that happens. You start out with players. Each of the players is making a bet on whether -- what the state of the world is going to be in the next round. What is going to be the outcome of a horse race or a coin flip, to make it really really simple. It turns out that the wealth updating dynamics under a classic paramutual betting algorithm is exactly like that, with Bayesian updating. So the system converging to a final state is just like what you’d expect from some model of distributed learning under a Bayesian algorithm. So we’ve looked at some ant colonies and we’ve looked at some immunology a little bit, and in all those kinds of systems biological systems, there’s adaptation, where we have the individual components, but the whole system in some sense adapts or improves to foster the evolution of the entity, so does that happen in economics? Does the whole system adapt in some sense? Yeah. In the example I just gave you, the whole system is adapting because the agent with the strategy that most closely matches reality is the one that, in the little game that I mentioned with all the money -- in a more realistic model of ecnomy, certainly the economy is adapting through time We see it decade by decade. As the economy changes, the set of goods we produce changes and the set of the things we consume changes, constantly adapting the conditions that are there and in a co-evolving self-organized way, just like biological systems. I think it was in 1990 that I wrote a paper called A Rosetta Stone for Connectionism, where I discussed in that paper models for autocatalytic networks immune system, classifier system, neural networks, I kind of waved my hands at game theory at the time because frankly I didn’t understand game theory as well as I should have back then. But were I to update that paper, I would definitely add game theory in, and it fits -- in fact it can be viewed as the general framework in which all those things sit. And game theory is at the bottom of most economic models, where you have actors that are going about their own purposes, trying to do a little better either competitively or cooperatively. There’s a whole branch of game theory that’s cooperative game theory that says okay, let’s assume we’re playing on the team, how do we best cooperate? Within the confines of either kind of game theory, I think you could very much build on those analogies and those analogies in turn relate back to things like everything from the origin of life to the immune system at some level ant colonies and so forth, if you made them sufficiently elaborate Okay, so let me switch gears a little bit and ask how did you as a physicist end up studying economics? And also, how can physics, or ideas from physics, contribute to economics? Well, I can answer that question in two different ways. One is, like many things the course of my career is driven largely by chance and circumstance When I was a graduate student, my friend ___ said hey, I bet we could figure out how to predict roulette using the laws of physics and that set me off on a whole course for my career where I became somebody whose career has been based on challenges of trying to predict things that people say I shouldn’t be able to predict. When I was doing time series analysis I would give talks on time series results we had on ice ages and sunspots and fluid And some clown would always say, have you tried applying this to the stock market? I got kind of sick of hearing that and so I quit my job at Los Alamos, and started a company to predict the stock market and I did that for eight years until we showed we really could predict the stock market although not really with the same techniques I was using at the time for ice ages and sunspots, but that’s a long story and then when I emerged from my eight years in the wilderness of commercial activity, I decided to go back in to complex systems, and I figured I should make use of the domain knowledge I’d learned about financial markets and economics that was stimulated by the fact that I was reading papers on economics which I’d gotten into deeper as a result of doing that I realized I didn’t really believe the paradigms they were using at all, so using Steven Weinberg’s statement that one should swim for open water, that is, go to places where the problems aren’t solved I thought, well, I need to do -- I want to do complex systems, but in a domain where I can take advantage of domain knowledge I used during my time at the prediction company and so I went into economics. Not quite realizing what fierce social counterpressure I would get from economists as a result of trying to suggest that they should use different methodologies and ask different questions and go about asking those questions in a different way than what they were doing already. So what do you think physics can contribute to economics? Well, I think it contributes mainly a different point of view, a different epistemology. A different notion of what an interesting question is, how one should go about solving the question, and what a good answer to the question looks like when you’e done. And I’ve been struck in my now more than a decade of interacting with economists sometimes very cordially and sometimes a bit confrontationally I’ve been just struck at what a difference anthropology of the field makes. How much I realized I got brainwashed to think in a certain way when I was in graduate school and those guys you know, that went to economic graduate school got brainwashed in a different way, or maybe it’s also partly a self-selection process, that they selected themselves to do economic graduate school, I selected myself to do physics. But I do think that I do have several collaborations with economists, they’re very productive -- I think thinking about the world differently is a good thing and allows you to contribute providing you get other people to listen to what you say when you get done. What is this thing called complexity economics? So complexity economics is using the mindset, methods, and point of view that we have in complex systems and applying it to economics. And while it’s true that Adam Smith started the whole thing, the intellectual evolution of the field has substantially diverged from that that is most represented in complex systems, which I think is some kind of mixture of physics computer science, biology, and cognitive science, and other stuff. But economics is not well represented. In complex systems, we have a view of the world that is you need to think about coming up with rules for what the low-level interactions are You need to think about how the entities interact with each other. You need to capture the crucial elements of the structural relationships between the entities, so if you’re talking about an ecosystem the nature of the environment, the nature of the way the organisms live in that environment really matters and you have to put enough realism in there to make it relevant to the real world. And you shouldn’t be afraid of simulation. Okay, that was my next question. Yeah, economists are have not, in my opinion in general, even come close to realizing the power of simulation and because of the emphasis on mathematical proof and they’ve made in general excessively stylized models that fail to capture key elements of the real world. So that's the sort of difference in key elements at least to the difference in intellectual viewpoint that I think I have with most of them. Not all of them, of course. There are many economists who are a minority of economists who think differently. The 95% that follow the mainstream. So you’ve argued strongly for the use of agent-based modeling in economics. Can you say a little bit about why you think that’s a good approach? I think just for the reasons I gave It’s at the end of the day imperative that the economic agents be allowed to exist in a world that contains the key institutional features that are so important in the real world. So if we want to understand the crisis of 2007-8 and on, that we’re still kind of floundering in in some way, we really have to have institutions like banks that can fail, can default we have to have housing markets, we have to have those things in there. The dynamic stochastic equilibrium models that were prevalent in 2007-8 did not have those features. There are -- it’s a very serious effort in economics now to put them in, but and while I think those models may play a useful role, I think to really make those models realistic in key ways, we really have to go with agent-based modeling. So do you see agent-based modeling as kind of a placeholder for more advanced mathematics we’ll eventually be able to do without having to use simulation, or is it something that is just essential, will always be essential? I think it will always be essential, but let me try and clarify my answer. First of all, existing economics uses quite fancy mathematics. So it’s not about how fancy the mathematics is. It’s about whether the mathematics that we’re able to do is really relevant for the key features of the world that we’re trying to capture. Okay, so replace what I said with more relevant mathematics. I think there’s a cycle that one goes through, and you should go through, where you alternate between making agent-based models that may have some level of realism in them, and then stepping back and then asking what are the key features of these models, can we make simpler models that capture the essential features that give us a clearer understanding of what happens. I think one should go back and forth between those viewpoints. You may, in the course of formulating your simplified model, realize something that you’re missing in your agent-based model and put it in there, or put it in there in a different way. You may extract the essence of what’s going on and change the way you think about what’s going on in your agent-based model. It’s a little bit like if you look at the study of fluid turbulence today. Fluid turbulence is a field where there’s a lot of alternation between experiements, simulations, and mathematical simplified mathematical models. And all three of those fields learn from each other. We, by the way, are also trying to incorporate experiments as part of what we do in the software that we’ve written in the crisis project, we have the ability to run economic experiments and unplug any of the algorithmic agents in the model, replace that algorithmic agent with a person or a set of people, and see what decisions they make, and in the context build all the other algorithmic agents in our model setting. So we have a group in Amsterdam that’s actually running experiments along those lines, led by ____. So we’re trying to do everything we can try to calibrate the models in the most realistic way possible. One critique that has come up of very detailed agent-based models is that you can keep throwing stuff in, more and more, until you match the data, the empirical data and that you get kind of hypercycle not hypercycle, what do you call the Right. Simulation that represents reality and detail, but doesn’t really give you any clear abstractions about what’s really going on. Well, let me just say, if we could do that for the economy, I would say hallelujah glory, brother, I would be tickled. Because we’re far from being able to do that, and if we could do that then we could run things at double speed and run policy studies and make conditional forecasts that we can’t do right now, and it would be extremely useful. Secondly, if we were able to achieve …. in 2001, and asking what are the key features of our model that really give us the essence of the results and in the course of uplugging those components we would learn a hell of a lot about the real economy. And we could replace things with stylized, dumbed-down versions, we could do all kinds of experiments. So if we could ever achieve that start point, then we would be most of the way there in my view. Okay. Let me ask one last question, which is what are you working on that you are really excited about these days? I think the thing that, if you’re talking about this month or these days, Probably the thing I’m most excited about is a project that I’m working on with James McNerney and Francesco Caravelli where we’re trying to think about the economy as a -- to let’s say carry over a lot of ideas from ecology and think about the structure of the economy and try to understand something that we've seen anecdotally, which is that some things are -- don’t seem to be getting systematically cheaper over time, like natural resources. Coal, oil, natural gas iron, copper, lots and lots of things that we’ve looked at that are natural resources cost about the same now that they did in 1900. In contrast computers as we know are way, way cheaper, by a factor of a billion. Than they were in 1900? Than they were in 1900. Not to mention performance. Photovoltaic cells have dropped by a factor of 100 in price since they were introduced in the 50s in a very steady and systematic way Agriculture, food has even gotten dramatically cheaper. But some of these things have stubbornly, like oil have stubbornly stayed at high prices. We have a theory for that that we think it’s driven by the fact that the economy grows by adding trophic levels and we should really think of them like, much like food chains in ecology and in some areas of economy these trophic levels are quite deep, and so we have an idea, we have a theory -- maybe I shouldn’t give away the details -- but we think that using those ideas we may be able to explain why some things like computers improve a lot faster than other things like oil prices and we think that this is important in thinking about how we ought to deal with global warming, because it suggests that some energy technologies like photovoltaics are on a trajectory where their prices are getting cheaper and cheaper, whereas others like coal or nuclear power for reasons that we don’t understand, coal we understand. Nuclear power we don’t. Don’t seem to be on such a trajectory. So we think that if we’re placing bets on the future, we should place heavier bets than people are placing on solar power. Alright well, great. Thank you. This has been a really wonderful conversation. Good. Thank you, Melanie. I had fun, too.