Hi, My name is Richard Jean. I am an associate professor of english and cultural analytics at McGill University, Montreal. Today, i am gonna be introducing and talking about some work I have been doing in the computational study of culture and the arts. Before i get going, I want to thanks David Carrick and Simon for inviting me to the institute and giving me the chance to talk to all of you. i think this institute is really a great thing.and i have long felt that a bottleneck in terms of this field of cultural analytics expanding, growing and thriving. It's comes down to training that a lot of people want to learn how to use these methods but there aren't a lot of opportunities to re-train. Again , i want to underscore that this institute is really a great thing and before we get started i just also want to mention that the goal of my talk is not to either make the polemical case for the use of data in the humanities. i am just going to assume that