I'm here talking to Ginger Richardson, who is Vice President for Education and Outreach at the Santa Fe Institute. So, Ginger, what's happening in the education program besides our MOOC? Well, I think your MOOC is the most exciting thing that is currently happening in the educational program. But one thing I would like to tell our group about are the residential activities we have here on site in Santa Fe, both at the institute and at other local venues. So our longest standing program, which is now 28 years old, is our Complex Systems Summer School and that is a month long program, an intense school that takes place here in Santa Fe, every June. We have about 60 students and I would like to urge all of you who are now participating in the MOOC to think about moving ahead and applying to the Complex Systems Summer School. The other projects that we have on an ongoing basis are residential fellowships and those generally involve undergraduate students. Although we do have grad students and sometimes even high schoolers on campus. From, any time from three weeks to ten weeks, usually in the summer. And for the summer school, what qualifications do people need to apply for that? We ask that you submit a resume which covers your interests and we hope that you have some background in mathematics. We actually end up with a very very diverse group of students who represent disciplines ranging from the physical sciences through the social sciences and even individuals who are actually in the world working in fields like forestry, medicine who are coming to the school to gain insight into a complex systems approach. So anyone can apply, not just, graduate students? Most of the students at the school are graduate students, in fact. and I would say that three quarters of the group are at that level in their education. We do have some post-doctoral fellows and we do have some professionals, but yes generally they are graduate students who are engaged in active research. Now suppose somebody's a high school student or an undergrad or just an ordinary person, is there a way for them to get involved in the educational program besides the MOOC? Well, certainly if you're an undergrad, as I said, we have our residential fellowship program. How do they apply for that? Go online to our education site at www.santafe.edu and look at the requirements and they can apply online. We do have a summer camp for high school students that we offer around the country. This year it happens to be in Massachusetts. And that's a two week program for high school kids who are interested in computer programming and agent based modeling, again you can check that out on our website. Alright, well, are we done? Yeah, it's great talking to you. Great talking to you, too.