Our guest spot for this unit is with Professor Geoffrey West. Geoffrey is a Distinguished Professor at the Santa Fe Institute as well as being the former president of the Institute He's a theoretical physicist who has worked on many areas related to complex systems, most prominently on scaling phenomena across several disciplines. Earlier in this unit, we discussed his work with Brown Enquist and others on metabolic scaling. So, welcome Geoffrey. Thank you, Melanie. A pleasure to be part of this. A lot of people when they first encounter this field ask, well, how do you define complexity? And they're often surprised to find that we don't have a good definition. So do you think there's going to be ever a single definition of complexity, or is that kind of a misguided goal? Well, I would expand that question to ask could we ever conceive of a universal theory of complexity or of complex adaptive systems meaning that . . . could we imagine a theory that transcends individual design, individual structure, something like thermodynamics, but also integrates ideas from information theory, from which in principle one could fit any complex system, whether it's of an ecosystem, or an economy, or a city, or the weather, and so on, and most importantly, could that conceptual framework be mathemetized in the way we mathemetize thermodynamics and lead to ultimately dynamical equations that is kind of my long-winded answer to is there a precise definition of complexity. I think we have to put that in terms of is there a definition that can be mathemetized, that's the view I take coming out of physics and my present answer to that is probably not, I've got both sides of this issue frankly, my present is probably not, but that in no way mitigates against making enormous progress in attacking many of these questions in complex adaptive systems. Okay, interesting. Other people have been more optimistic in their answer So there is a lot of disagreement on that issue. Yeah. So we've talked in this class about scaling, but let me ask you what in your view is the importance of studying scaling phenomena so why is this an important area? Well, I think it's important because as we've already discussed, or at least intimated, how to attack problems, specific problems in a complex system, which has huge numbers of degrees of freedom, huge many different levels of emergent phenomena and so on one of the methodologies we could use and a traditional one in physics of course, and in science, in general, is looking for systematic behavior or regularities and scaling is I think from at least my viewpoint, is a tool, just simply a tool, a probe, if you'd like of the system to see, are there any regularities asking, taking a specific kind of system and asking how does that, how do its various measurable characteristics change with its size provides a potential window to underlying dynamics, because if you do see a regularity over a large enough range, several orders of magnitude at least, if you see that it says, gee whiz, underlying this extraordinary complexity may be some I use the word simplicity - I don't mean it quite in the sense I used it before, but maybe some underlying generic principles that are constraining the system to scale in a regular way and the task then is really, and the importance really is that can we understand what an underlying dynamics or the underlying principles are. Okay, so in your own work, we've talked in this class about the idea of the three-quarters scaling law especially in metabolism, and there's been some controversy over that, for two-thirds versus three-fourths, and so on, so can you just quickly summarize what the current state of at least your thinking of that is? Well, there's several things. First of all the original data, way back, and this has been known for 70 years unequivocally showed three-quarters, that was the work of Max Kleiber that was very clear. And then various people in terms of interpreting it, had what I consider this bizarre idea that it must be two-thirds, because it's surface to area I say that's bizarre because of the following first, let me back up to the scaling. There's something extraordinary whether it's two-thirds or three-quarters or some mixture, that the most complex phenomenon in the universe probably life, and maybe metabolism which should scale in a systematic way because each organism, each subsystem of that organism each organ, each cell type, each genome, has from a traditional Darwinian viewpoint, evolved with its own unique history. It's supposed to be and is, historically contingent. Therefore you'd expect that if you were to plot a scaling graph, say, metabolic rate versus size, you would see huge spread in the data, which would be a manifestation of the individual historical contingency, so it would reflect the history of that specific organism, or whatever the characteristic is that you're looking at, and you see extraordinarily systematic behavior, so that's the first point, so seeing scaling is already telling you something is going on that transcends or constrains the kind of naive randomness that we associate with natural selection So where would that come from? Where would that regularity come from? It's kind of weird to think that it would be surface to area, because what in the hell does Darwinian fitness got to do with having an optimal surface to area? An optimal surface to area would be a sphere. Organisms should approximate a sphere, and there is very little evidence for that, except maybe that the cellular level. This is kind of a weird, I consider this a real deep misunderstanding on the part of even biologists who seem to think that that would be a simple explanation. So that's the first point. Second point is the original data as I said was very close to three-quarters. Not only that, all of the data that followed it, in terms of any other physiolgical variable, whether it's mundane, like the length of the aorta, or whether it's profound, like how long you live, or growth rate, or diffusion of oxygen across membranes et cetera, and there's probably 50 to 75 of such scaling laws overwhelmingly an exponent which is some simple multiple of one-quarter. So this is more evidence, secondly if you look at the metabolic rate of plants that scales very closely to three quarters and there's no controversy over that. Okay. We did, because of all this, we did our little group did gather all the possible data you could possibly could on measurements and metabolic rates people were so focused on that. Over 2,000 data points. And Van Savage, who was then postdoc here did the analysis of that and what we found was that the scaling exponent was about - just under 0.74 all of the data. What was very clear and this was known earlier from the work that led to the people questioning it, was that there were deviations to the level of small animals, that veered it toward two-thirds. Now the other point I want to make is that we derived a theory based on networks, which maybe was talked about earlier, I don't know. Yes. Was based on networks, so there was a theoretical reason which also has its controversies, but nevertheless there was a theoretical development that derived the three-quarters based on the optimization of networks, and networks are ubiquitous and the properties gave rise to that three-quarters, and I think this is really important transcend design of the organism, so it applies to mammalians, it applies to cells in principle, it applies to plants, and so forth I find that very compelling because science proceeds by this very close iterative continuous feedback of data, theory, and experiment, and the fact that we have a theory that one can of course look at carefully and ask is this right, or is this derivation correct and so on, but to have a theory as a baseline from which to ask these questions, I think feeds into this question as to what exactly is it, and by the way, one of the great things about that theory is that it says that there should be deviation from three-quarters, because that theory in the mathematical language is an asymptotic theory, it's actually correct in the theory its prediction is for large mammals and then tell in principle how that changes as the mammals get smaller and smaller, so much so that it would deviate significantly for small mammals. So do you still feel that the theory is basically right? I think the theory is basically right, that absolutely, the theory of course is very much in the spirit of I always liken it to actually, the theory like kinetic theory of gases, or the work I've been involved in the past, the quark model of the elementary particles, where you try to extract from a rather complex and complicated situation, the essential features that you think dominate the problem, so in the kinetic theory of gases Maxwell in particular postulated that there were these atoms that were like billiard balls undergoing elastic collisions an idea that's kind of loony and is wrong, and I think you kind of knew they were wrong, but it doesn't matter, you took that as the abstraction of the dominant feature of what a gas is, and in fact what matter is, and from that derive first of all the ideal gas law, so that's kind of the .. . of the three-quarters, and from that made all other kinds of predictions, some of which were quite startling, and people attacked him for it, and one of them was for example the viscosity of gas should be independent of its pressure. He also made predictions that people didn't believe. And this is often forgotten in this. One of the things we predicted was that the metabolic rate of cells in vivo should decrease as mass to the one quarter as you increase the size of the organism. But if you looked at it in vitro, if you come out and you counted them, they would all migrate, whether it's a mouse or an elephant or a whale or a human being, they would all migrate to the same level and they would all have this because this was a network theory and when you release the cells from the control of the network, so this is totally anti-reductionistic you release the cells from the network, and they all migrate to the same value, and the theory predicts what that value should be as well as this in vivo behavior of mass to the minus one quarter and we were attacked for that actually and then someone did a dedicated experiment and showed that it was correct, so I think one of the biggest successes of the theory. Okay, well, thanks. One last question. A little bit different topic, a lot of students have asked how they can get started in the field of complex systems that there are so many different fields, and there's so much that you have to know, so do you have any advice for people? Yes, that's a very tough question and it brings up a broader question of people talk about being trained in interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary studies, and one should maybe start that as an undergraduate level and so on. Again, it's like the definition of complexity I see both sides of this issue. I actually come down in my older years to the idea that actually I like the idea of a student being trained in a discipline. That should found the basis from which you then do something with deep knowledge and then move into these other areas and in particular to issues of complexity, but so that's my first point. I think it's good to be grounded in a discipline, what's called a discipline anyway but that grounding and that education, and that's the problem now with universities, needs to have grey edges that is, you know, I think that part of that education needs to allow diffusion across boundaries. But I think one of the real difficulties is there aren't serious courses in complexity, well there are a few of them around, and being developed, and one of the things I'm so delighted with what you're trying to do is in fact put this on the map so that people actually can use the knowledge they have already learned within a discipline and some of the diffusion into other things to start being exposed to many of these different ideas and techniques that have been developed by many researchers, many associated with the Santa Fe Institute and other places, to think of these kind of questions. Alright, well, great. Thank you so much. A pleasure, Melanie. Good luck with this. Thanks.