Here I have plotted these two power laws, y=x^2/3 and y=x^3/4, note that this is a standard plot and not a log-log plot, you can see that these are non-linear relationships. What can be gleaned from this is that the metabolic rate of organisms have somehow evolved to be more efficient than we would expect, in the sense that higher metabolic rate represents a higher distribution of nutrients to cells, so more efficient in that sense. Thus, if this scaling relationship with exponent 3/4 is indeed correct, then evolution has somehow allowed organisms to overcome the limitation implied by the ratio of surface area to volume. Interestingly, scientists have observed other biological scaling laws that have 4 in the denominator of the exponent. Heart rate scales to body mass to -1/4, that is, the lower your body mass, the higher your heart rate. Blood circulation time scales to body mass to the 1/4, life span scales with body mass to the 1/4, etc. What's going on with this 1/4 or 3/4 exponent. People have talked about these so-called 1/4 powers, scaling laws. In the 1990's a group of scientists at the Santa Fe Institute formed a collaboration to try and understand these scaling laws and what caused them. Geoffrey West is a theoretical physicist, Jim Brown who is an ecologist, and Brian Enquist a graduate student working with Jim Brown. This inter-disciplinary group approached this subject in a new way, asking the question, what is the structure of the distribution networks inside organisms and what effect does that have on metabolic rate? Their general idea is summed up like this: metabolic scaling rates (and other biological rates) are limited not by surface area but by rates at which energy and materials can be distributed between surfaces where they are exchanged and the tissues where they are used. The idea here is that surface area shouldn't be seen as a limitation. The limitation should be seen as the structure of the distribution system. How are energy and materials distributed? Just to show some pictures, here is a picture of the circulatory system, in humans. A picture of the lungs, with these so-called bronchi which have a similar tree-like structure to the circulatory system. Here is an electron-micrograph that shows a highly magnified view of the vascular system, and you can really see this kind of fractal tree structure that makes up these distribution networks. West, Brown and Enquist developed a theory which they called metabolic scaling theory in order to explain the scaling relationships that were seen in the data. Their theory involved some assumptions about distribution networks whether they be airways in the lungs or the vascular system bringing blood to cells. The idea is that these distribution networks have a fractal tree-like structure with branches that reach all parts of the 3D organism. They have to be as space filling as possible in order to optimally deliver nutrients to all parts of the body to all cells. Also they assume that the terminal units in the branches of these structures, which are the capillaries, don't vary with size with organisms and that seems to be the case, and they assume that these networks have evolved to minimize the total energy required to distribute resources. They conclude that because the distribution network has a fractal branching structure that Euclidean geometry is the wrong way to view scaling in this case. Euclidean geometry was what gave rise to this 2/3 exponent in the surface hypothesis, but West, Brown and Enquist asserted that one should use fractal geometry instead. Their theory involved a considerable amount of physics and mathematics, and I won't go into it here, but the result was with their detailed mathematical model using the three assumptions I mentioned they were able to derive Kleiber's law that metabolic rate is proportional to body mass to the 3/4, where the explanation for this lies in the fractal geometry of the distribution networks. I realize that this discussion about metabolic scaling has been somewhat complicated, and in fact metabolic scaling is a very complicated topic. It may have been unsatisfying for some of you, people who don't have a mathematical background may have found the mathematics here a little challenging and people who do have a strong mathematical background might be frustrated because I didn't really talk about how the model works. I have put up some papers on the course materials page, some of which give a description of this model in completely non-mathematical terms and some of which give technical explanations of how the model works. You can choose the level of paper that you're most interested in, if you want to follow-up on this. To finish with, I want to talk about one of the things I found most interesting in reading about this model which was the interpretation of the model described by the West, Brown and Enquist team. I will call that the surface hypothesis which turned out not to match the data was based on the idea that surface area scales with volume to the 2/3 power. What West, Brown and Enquist say is that metabolic rate indeed scales with body mass like surface area scales with volume, but not in 3D, but rather, geometric scaling is in 4D. Let's talk about what that means. West, Brown and Enquist say, "Although living things occupy 3D space, their internal physiology and anatomy operate as if they were four-dimensional...Fractal geometry has literally given life an added dimension." Ok, so let me show a picture to illustrate what this means. Earlier on we idealized organisms as spheres, and the surface hypothesis argued that since surface area is proportional to volume to the 2/3 power, metabolic rate is proportional to body mass to the 2/3 power Ok, that's if we assume that we are 3D, but what West, Brown, and Enquist are saying is that because we have these fractal branching distribution networks, internally we aren't 3D, but rather we have some kind of fractal dimension, that's between 3 and 4 dimensions, and it's approaching 4 dimensions because of the space filling aspect of these fractals and that metabolic rate scales with volume or mass to the 3/4, completely in analogy with this 3D idea, that this would be as if we are being approximated by a 4D sphere, so that's very intriguing, the idea that we are actually, we behave as though we are 4D creatures due to this fractal structure of our distribution networks. Well, as you can imagine this idea, and in fact West, Brown, and Enquist's entire theory has been very controversial and has gotten a lot of criticism in the biological literature. Some people have argued that 3/4 is not the correct exponent, if there even is a single exponent. Others have questioned the mathematical correctness of the West, Brown, and Enquist model, and there have been many other criticisms as well, and a lot of back and forth between supporters and critics of this model. For our purposes I think the bottom line is that this model is interesting, it is very elegant, but both the explanation and the underlying data are controversial, and I should also note that there have been many updated versions of the model developed by various groups since the original set of papers by West, Brown, and Enquist. If you are really interested in this and you have a technical background, there is much in the literature for you to explore that's been done on this in recent years. Geoffrey West has gone in a different direction. He's now taken up the subject of urban scaling. He's working with Luis Bettencourt on how attributes of cities such as crime and so on scale the city population size, and they ask the question - can this kind of scaling behavior also be explained via fractal distribution networks? This is the topic of our next subunit. After we hear a guest spot with Geoffrey West talking about metabolic scaling.