The long-tailed degree distribution structure of real world complex networks has implications for their robustness. For example, these networks are largely structured around hubs. They are vulnerable to targeted hub failure. An example of this is on the web, when large highly connected web sites are targeted by malicious people via attacks called distributed denial of service attacks. If my web page goes down, nobody is going to get really upset because it doesn't have a lot of links coming into it Whereas, if a big web site like Yahoo goes down, a very highly connected web site, it is going to create a lot more havoc on the web. That's true in all networks that have this kind of hub structure. We talked about this for instance with respect to airline networks. Where if a hub city is having bad weather, causing flights to be delayed, that's going to have effects that percolate throughout the system. Similarly, in biological networks the extinction of a hub species, whether it be a predator or prey species, the food web is going to have implications for the entire food web. The same thing goes for other kinds of biological networks. And, it may be that a network approach to thinking about biology is going to be more important for understanding health and well-being than the genetic sequencing of the human genome project. Although, these networks are vulnerable to targeted hub failure, they are robust to random node failure. If a single node becomes unusable for some reason, since most nodes have very low degree, it's not going to have a big effect on the network. In the internet for example, internet servers are going down all the time, being taken out of commission for temporary periods, but because of the long-tail structure of these networks such random node failure often doesn't have much effect, unless nodes can cause other nodes to fail, then we can get something called cascading failure. An example, the power grid. Here's a satellite picture of a region of the northeast US and Canada before and after a huge electrical black-out that occurred August 2003. Evidently, a power station in Ohio got overloaded because of a downed power line. It transferred its load to another power station, that itself got overloaded and shut-down in a domino effect, a cascade of failures, bringing down a lot of the electrical grid of the northeastern US. You can see before the black-out lots of lights, here much diminished, here on the day of the black-out. That's a common example of a cascading failure. Another example, is economic systems such as banks. Here in years from 2007 to 2010, a sort of domino effect of banks failing. Once one bank fails, it causes an effect throughout the bank network if the bank network is closely inter-connected and has this cascading failure possibility. We can get this cascade of bank failures. We see similar patterns of cascading failures in biological systems, ecological systems, computer and communication networks, wars, and so on. Now we want to talk about the implications of a long-tailed distribution for thinking about risk. It's been traditional to model risk using normal distributions or bell curve distributions. These are different shapes of these normal distributions. You can see some of them have high peaks, some have lower peaks, wider, and so on, but all of them have the feature that events in the tail of the distribution are highly unlikely; however if you look at a long-tailed distribution like this one, it turns out that events in the tail are more likely than in a normal distribution, sometimes much more likely. So, if you are thinking about risk, for instance, in a financial market, a housing market, in any kind of economic system, or even earthquake risk, or something like that, if your underlying model is a normal distribution, a bell curve, you are going to assume that risks out in the tail have very low probability, but if your model was one of these long-tail distributions, you would be much more concerned about possible risks because they would have a higher probability. Some people have called this situation, the long-tailed distribution, more normal than normal because they are so common in complex networks that are ubiquitous in all kinds of different domains. This sort of thinking was behind Paul Krugman's quote in the New York Times in 2009, Paul Krugman being a Nobel prize winning economist, and he said, "Few economists saw our current crisis coming, but this predictive failure was the least of the field's problems. More important was the professions blindness to the very possibility of catastrophic failures in a market economy. So, he's talking right there about what people think about the tails of these distributions. These risk distributions. How much probability is down here. Well, there is a lot more if you assume that you have a power law or other log-tail distribution than if you have a normal distribution. And, what Krugman is saying is that the profession of economics was probably more fixated on modeling risk and other factors using normal or Gaussian distributions whereas they should have been using these more long-tailed distributions. You have all seen the phrase, Too Big To Fail, with respect to large banks or other financial institutions. But, an alternative idea, put forth in an editorial by Duncan Watts is that instead of worrying about things that are too big to fail, we should worry about institutions that are too complex to exist because complexity seems to produce such power law or long-tailed distributions rather than normal distributions and in this article Watts talks about how the power grid, economic systems, bank networks and so on, can become so complex that catastrophic failure is sometimes inevitable because of the long-tail of risk. Let's end with another quote from Duncan Watts, so far in this lecture we have focused on the structure of networks We've looked at small world structure, scale-free, and long-tail degree distributions and so on. We haven't really talked much about dynamics on networks. So, Duncan says, "Next to the mysteries of dynamics on a network -- whether it be epidemics of disease, cascading failures in power systems, or the outbreak of revolutions - the problems of networks that we have encountered up to now are just pebbles on the seashore." Duncan said this 10 years ago, and within the last 10 years a huge amount of work has been done on studying how dynamics occur on networks - how information spreads, how epidemics occur, how cascading failures happen. We're not going to cover those topics in this course, but hopefully in a future course. I would also like to mention that on the course materials page, there are many references that talk about what's been happening in the last 10 years of network science, in terms of dynamics particularly that you might find interesting.