Hello everybody, Santiago here. I made this video so we could dive into unit eight a little bit more so we're gonna explore what I mean by tension in games by looking at the tension between individual level and group level incentives in the prisoner's dilemma so some brief highlights of the unit so far we talked about an important assumption in game theory being that individuals act in order to maximize their own utility and utility remember is this numerical measure of the outcome of a game which could be profit happiness reproductive success we saw all of this earlier in the unit so we're taking this to mean that the individuals are selfish they're right if they act in order to maximize their own utility they're only looking at their personal gain then we're calling them selfish agents and a big question in the unit is can selfish individuals cooperate so let's go back to the prisoner's dilemma the numbers in this prisoner's dilemma are a little bit different than those Melanie used but the game is still essentially the same if you want to compare this one with the other one and see go through that process of deliberation that each of the players goes through to make their decision I encourage you to do that now to make everything even clearer in the attempt to make things clearer I color-coded the agents and the utilities that they receive so player one is in blue and he can choose between the blue cooperate and effect player two is in green and they can choose between the green cooperate and effect and depending on what they choose if player 1 chooses cooperate player 2 chooses the fact then they're in this cell this is the outcome and player one gets the utility on the Left player two gets the utility on the right so to look at this tension let's decompose let's rewrite the game as the sum of cooperative and selfish forces and to do this I'm going to use a technique that was developed in this paper I'm citing below strategic and behavioral decomposition of games and I'm adding this paper to the supplementary materials page of the website and I encourage you to take a look at it unfortunately I can't go through all the details of the paper everything they do there's a lot of good stuff but I gotta keep it simple keep it short and point you where to find more so alright let's keep going so if I apply the decomposition to this prisoner's dilemma game I get these three components so if you want to make sure pause the video add these three matrices down here add them up and see that you get this one and yeah so I so let's see what's going on what are these components telling us what do you think they're telling us what what kind of information is contained in each of these components and why is it that we can separate these information so feel free to pause the video analyze each of these components see what you think is going on and because I'm about to extenuate this first component we interpret it to be this kind of fluff it contains no real information it's not really doing anything because it contributes the same value to all the utility's of each of the players so it doesn't have to be the same value for both players right we see here that both players all have to it could be different but I'm keeping it simple and so this this component of the game contains no info because since it's the same value for all of the outcomes well in game theory were interested in comparing the results of different outcomes so anyway we compare the outcomes is gonna cancel out this common value so saying it's just fluff there's no real information here the authors of the paper called us the kernel now the second component we say contains the game's selfish information now why is that well so check out the other components can you gain anything from changing your own strategy alone no right so check out the kernel if you let's say player 2 is fixed playing cooperate or defect if you switch between cooperate out or defect can you is there any incentive for you to change your strategy no so all of that information all of that individual level incentive is contained in this middle component in this selfish info component which the authors called the Nash or strategic component and the reason they call it the Nash component is that this component contains all the necessary information in a game to compute Nash equilibria which we haven't really talked about so I won't really get into more but right in this entire game we can decompose it into these three layers these three components but to compute Nash equilibrium we only need this it's pretty fascinating so if you're curious if you're liking this check out the paper study more game theory but anyway the next component this last component doesn't have any selfish information but something's going on it's not trivial like the kernel it's not just the same value right so what do you think is going on here I'm calling it left over info to keep it mysterious we haven't figured out what this component does so maybe pause the video think about it a little bit here let me blow it up there's the leftover info component what is happening with it okay pause the video okay so look in this component each agent is powerless to change their own utility alone but what happens when the other agent changes their strategy so let's say okay start over let's say your player 1 and player 2 is playing cooperate you have a choice between cooperate and getting a - or defect and getting it - so if that's all you're looking at you don't care right you're not this isn't going to sway your decision either way but what happens when you play cooperate and what happens when you play defect when you play cooperate agent 2 is receiving a payoff of positive - no matter what they do if you play defect agent 2 is getting a payoff of negative - no matter what they do so it's like your decision is affecting the other person so this idea they call it externalities in X in economics so an externality is a utility imposed on another agent on another person another group of people it's an is utility imposed on others from your actions so a simple example if I play music really loud and it bothers my neighbor then they're receiving a negative externality from something I'm doing right so maybe I'm making a decision that gives me a nice private payoff a utility but it gives my neighbor a negative utility that's the idea of externalities so this left over information component I'm calling the author's called the behavioral component I'm calling the externalities component sorry for all the names I hope this is not confusing yeah so I talked about this externalities you do something the result creates utility the result is utility for yourself and for others so externality is this utility that gets imposed on others now just this so let's look at the prisoner's dilemma again ignoring the kernel so when I cooperate I'm not getting the best for myself no matter what you do right look at that negative one if you cooperate and I cooperate I'm getting a negative one if you defect and I cooperate I get a negative one remember we're only looking at the selfish info component so looking at the selfish info I'd rather always defect I always get a better individual payoff by defecting following if I'm selfish then I'm always gonna defect and that is shown right here because being selfish I don't care about a 2 or a 2 or a negative 2 and a negative 2 right I only care about this individual I want to maximize individually so following our individual interest we choose to defect but that hurts each other because one may defect we impose a payoff of negative two on one another right so here player 1 is defecting player 2 gets a negative 2 here player 2 is defecting player 1 gets a negative 2 so following our individual interest we hurt each other if we both cooperated we'd supply each other with this positive 2 utility going against that negative one selfish utility but it'd be better right if we look at the full game we'd be better off both cooperating them both defecting so the prisoner's dilemma exemplifies this tension between cooperating and defecting between what does our selfish what does the individual level pull us towards what does it want us to do and what does the group level want us to do right so it's better if we cooperate but individualism sort of unravels it and we ends up and we end up defecting now let me just go back so we talked about in the previous units we talked about tit for tat and so how does Tiferet tat make corporation work so Tiferet at actually changes the game one way it changes the game as the game becomes repeated and another way is that the strategies change so if you play tit for tat you're not simply playing cooperate or defect right you're playing this it's almost like this higher level strategy in this repeated game and so what this ultimately ends up doing is it brings the externalities into the selfish information and it makes cooperating attractive to someone selfish that's the only way right we're assuming the individuals are selfish so at the end of the day no matter how many hoops we jump through the agents are gonna behave selfishly so the only way for them to cooperate at least with these assumptions is to make cooperating simple is to make cooperation something a selfish agent would play so I can barely get into that the stuff I think is super cool and I should I suggest you check out that cited paper they talked about tit for tat and they show with more detail how how things change how things move around how some of the externalities end up affecting a selfish level choice which is how tit for tat and the repeated game makes cooperation possible so let me lastly tell you the quote unquote rules to create the components of these 2x2 games so you can play around and in fact in fact I'm gonna make an additional homework which is going to be optional for you to explore all of this a little bit more so in it I'll ask you to follow these rules and create different kinds of 2x2 games where cooperation is aligned with selfish incentives or it's not like we just saw so on all kinds of interesting examples for you to play around with and explore so let me tell you these rules and these quote-unquote rules are actually mathematical symmetries that make this whole thing work but I'm not going to get into the details of it but so with The Selfish component every pair of alternative individual choices must be negatives of each other sorry I forgot some words here it must be negatives of each other anyway so here we see I put an example player 1 chooses strategy a and player 2 choose a strategy a so player 1 gets a payoff of a if they switched they'd get a payoff of negative a and so we can see this idea repeats throughout this selfish info component the externality component on the other hand remember that there's no individual power so here if player 2 is choosing a your player one you're just getting an M no matter what the only way you can get something different is if the other agent chooses changes their strategy so here when the other agent changes their strategy you get the negative of what you were getting right so player 2 by choosing a imposes M a utility of M and then if they changed if they played B they impose negative N and so just to be clear M could be three so this would be three three negative three negative three but M could be negative three so then over here we'd have negative three negative three and then over here we'd have negative negative 3 which would be pot so we'd have positive 3 positive 3 and then finally the kernel was the same value for all the utilities of each agent so agent one would have the common value J whatever J is an agent 2 would have whatever value K is throughout and so here it is here are the rules and thanks for watching everybody I hope this made sense if anything send me an email post questions on the forums I'll be happy to explain any of this a little more and yeah thanks for watching have a great day bye you