in this sub-unit we're going to look at the prisoner's dilemma which is perhaps the earliest idea model for studying cooperation in social science and political science among other fields. The prisoner's dilemma is based on a metaphorical story. So here's the story Alice and Bob have collaborated on committing a crime and they can caught and thrown in jail they're not allowed to talk to each other there's no possible way that they can communicate and the police are offering a deal that involves one testifying against the other. Police don't have quite enough evidence to convict them on the charge they want to convict them on so they're going to try to get 1 of them to testify against the other one Here's the deal: if neither them testify the police are going to have to reduce the charge and each one will get five years in prison However if Alice decides to keep silent but Bob decide to testify against her Alice is going to get life in prison and Bob is gonna go free.The same applies to Bob if he keeps silent but Alice testifies he gets life in prison and Alice goes free.Now they both testify against each other there each gonna get 10 years in prison They both offer this exact same deal with no communication they have to decide what to do So should they stay silent or justify. what would you do if you are Alex.Here's how Alic's thought process might go. Suppose Bob keeps silent if she keeps silent so she gets five years in prison and if she testifies she gets off scot-free, so in that case you should clearly testify.Now suppose Bob testifies well in that case Alice keeps silent she gets life in prison have she testify she gets 10 years in prison which is better than life in prison. so she should testify in that case as well. The only problem is that bob is going through the same thought process and concludes that in each case he should testify so what happens is they both decide to testify and they both get ten years in prison where's they would have only got five years in prison if they had only cooperated with each other and kept silent. Question is what could have convinced them to stay silent? prisoner's dilemma was originally invented by to mathematical game theorists Flood and Dresher in the 1950s at the high of the cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union it's been used as a metaphor for real world cooperation issues in arms races, wars, global warming and many other phenomena. It's also one of the most famous and influential idea models in social science If your're social scientist I'm guessing you probably heard of it we can gauge a little bit if it's fame and influence by looking on the Google Scholar page and the prisoner's dilemma gets thirty four thousand results. Versions of it discussed by Garret Hardin has been famously called the tragedy of the common. the tragedy is that it's always in an individual's best interest to not cooperate but if everyone does not cooperate than everyone gets a worse result in the words of political scientist Robert Axelrod the pursuit of self-interest by each leads to a poor outcome for all Robert Axelrod is a political science professor at the University of Michigan who is been studying the prisoner's dilemma and variants of it for over 30 years. he written two very influential books on this topic one called the Evolution of cooperation and the second called the Complexity of cooperation. cling to Axelrod his main motivation for learning about effective strategies was to find out help cooperation could be promoted in international politics especially between the East and the West during the Cold War. and its main question is under what conditions will cooperation emerge in a world of egoist without central authority. This remains of course an extremely important question today. when scientists study the prisoner's dilemma they typically phrase it in terms of that game with two players so are two players are Bob and Alice, and Bob and Alice decide to either cooperate which would correspond in your story to staying quiet so they're cooperating with each other or defecting that would correspond to testify against the other one they receive what's called a payoff the payoff is given by is payoff matrix now here we're going to depart from our prisoner story and we're going to assume that the higher the pay of the better in this payoff matrix if Alice and Bob both cooperate Alice here in red gets 3 points and Bob get 3 points it Alice cooperates and Bob defects Alice gets 0 and Bob gets 5. If Alice defects by cooperates the opposite happens Alice gets 5 and Bob gets 0 and they each get 1 point if they both defect so these numbers aren't the same as in our prisoners story but the idea is the same Alice can reason that if Bob cooperates the best thing for her to do is to defect and if Bob defects the best thing for her to do this defect so in both cases Alice will decide to defect again the goal is to get as many points as possible regardless of what the other player gets so this is not a competitive game, it's about individuals trying to maximize their own pay off on one round each player either cooperates artifacts and there's no prior communication between the two players. Axelrod's question was this: suppose that the game is iterated that is the players play for several rounds remembering perhaps what the other player did on previous rounds how is it possible that reciprocal cooperation can be induced to study this question Axelrod devised two tournaments in which he invited well-known political scientists other social scientists, mathematicians, game theorists to submit strategies to play against one another strategies played iterated games against one another in a round-robin fashion that is each individual played against every other individual and played several games against every other individual some people submitted very complicated strategies that created complex statistical model serve other opponents and did quite a bit of computation. These strategies were all given as computer programs and it turned out that the winner have both the tournament's was the simplest evolve strategies known as tit-for-tat, which is submitted by Anatole Rapoport mathematician what tit-for-tat does it start up by cooperating and then it each successive round it just does with the other player did on the previous round so if the other player cooperated on the previous round to tit-for-tat cooperates, if the other player defected in the previous round tit for tat defects so it for warts cooperation with cooperation and punishes defection with defection incredibly simple but it was the winner. the NetLogo models library has a number of prisoner's dilemma models we're gonna look at two of them but before we do that I'm gonna have you take a quiz to make sure you understand what we've done so far in this subject