Our guest spot Our guest spot is Professor David Krakauer. David is a theoretical biologist and he directs the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery. He’s also professor of genetics at the University of Wisconsin and external professor at the Santa Fe Institute. Before moving to Wisconsin, he was on the resident faculty of SFI and served as chair of the faculty. So, welcome David. I’m very pleased to be with you. Great. Earlier in the class we talked about emergence -- the concept of emergence and the notion that you could have these emergent properties that have to be explained at the system level instead of the individual level and some people have said that emergence is kind of a subjective notion that maybe it’s only emergent because we’re not smart enough to understand it at the individual level. Do you think that’s true? Or is there something fundamental about emergence? I have to confess I struggle with this concept, and I am sort of on the fence. Part of me thinks that remark is true, that you could always, if you had infinite computational capacity, describe a system in terms of its most elementary constituents and that the reason why we look at what we call effective variables or aggregations of the data is because it’s easier. So thermodynamics, for example, heat, temperature, entropy, and so forth. But another part of me says that that’s insufficient. That if you think about sophisticated intellectual capabilities like reasoning about music it’s not obvious to me that a microscopic description of the dynamics of the proteins in our neurons will ever sufficiently capture what we mean by an appreciation of music, so I have to say I struggle. I don’t have a good answer to that. Let’s see -- so I asked you to define complex system, a different version of that question is to talk about definitions of complexity itself. Do you think that’s been hard for people when you ask what is complexity, people often give very different answers. Do you think there’s a notion that there’s a single definition of complexity that we might find that might be useful across systems, or is it really dependent on the particular system itself? So I’m quite optimistic about this. I think it that has to do with the level of predictive accuracy you’re going to demand. So I think there is a sense in which there could be very general definitions along the lines that people like Murray Gell-Mann and Seth Lloyd, and many others, have suggested having to do with description length, and so forth, in other words how many pages of algorithms or mathematical equations are required to capture the variability you care about? The problem with those measures is they don’t tell you a great deal about the mechanisms that in some sense are the ones you want to intervene into or control or understand. So I think this is where the difficulties arise, because at that point, these complexity measures start bifurcation and proliferating and I think that’s okay, actually. I think that as long as we’re careful and any one of us states our operational definition we state clearly our assumptions, our axioms, I think it’s acceptable for the definitions to not necessarily be unified. But I suspect, by the way, if you were to look carefully all of those slightly different definitions would all have a little bit of the same flavor, that they would be capturing something about the number of components required to effectively predict and control the environment I think that’s probably a common denominator, even if on the surface they appear very different. Okay, maybe you could tell us a little bit about what you’re working on these days. What you’re excited about. Yeah, so my very modest research program is to in one sense understand the evolution of you can put it two ways -- the grand way of saying it is the evolution of intelligence on our planet, in the solar system and the universe. Which sounds at one level as ambiguous as the evolution of complexity, right? It’s substituting one ambiguous term for another. Another way to put it, slightly more modestly, but not much more, is the evolution of mechanisms of information processing. A slight slight of hand, because it’s not really that much clearer than the first, but people seem to find it more acceptable. And so, for example, simple organisms, single-celled organisms, really can respond to the environments in which they live. They can pursue food sources, they can travel along gradients they can aggregate into collectives, and then in the multicellular state, those cells take on differentiated roles. Cells that just do metabolism, or cells that just sense their environment, and so forth, or structural. And so what I’m interested in is why that happens, I mean, it’s a funny thing, we know more about the universe that the smallest scales and the largest scales than we do than at the scale at which we live. So we understand extraordinary depth, essentially the origin of our solar system, the origin of all the elements, the periodic table, you know we understand nuclear fusion, but we don’t really understand an ant, and that’s because it’s a complex system, in other words it doesn’t yield to these elegant mathematical formalisms. And the question is, how did a complex system emerge out of a simple system? So that's in some sense the big question. How did life, some people would say, emerge from non-life? And that’s what I do, and I do it in the context, I guess, of natural science, I’m not a mathematician, I’m not a computer scientist, I use tools from those fields, and I apply them to natural phenomena, for which we have reasonably good data, and increasingly better data. Can you give an example? Yes, of course. So for example, over the course of the last few decades, the extraordinary increase in the number of complete genomes we have from a very large range of organisms. It used to be that we only had that data for one or two, because it was so expensive to collect. And now it’s not so if you’re asking questions about evolution you clearly need data from very diverse species, not all from one group, not all from humans or mice or yeast, or flies, and so that’s made a big difference, so we can now ask about patterns of change, infer patterns of change from very very diverse tips of the tree of life, and I think that’s made a big difference, and along with that data is data about things like, all of the proteins we find on nerve cells so we can ask questions about changes in the way nerve cells express genes across diverse lineages, and when so that’s the kind of data, I think largely genetic, that’s been made available via these high frequent mechanisms that I think really complements this sort of more basic theoretical research program. So just a simple question when you look at these genomes and look at changes in the genomes and so on, how does information processing come in? You mentioned that as fundamental -- That’s a very good question. In fact, that is the great challenge. So what you have to do, yes, is commit to a model of computation and then ask to what extent the elements that you observe fulfill the requirements of that model, so let me give you an example, a simple example. After the discovery of the structure of DNA, there was a lot of interest in how genes are turned on and off, and this is often, this work is often associated with Jacob and Monod who are interested in what is now called gene regulation how genes turn on and off at different times. We can take one organism that is living like an E. coli bacterium, and we can study in great detail how these genes are turned on and off, so we know what the structure to function mapping is, because we have a living species. And now we can go back and look at a whole range of genomes, for which we do not have laboratory experiments generalize and say, since they share those structures, it’s probably fair to assume that they have similar mechanisms, so that’s what we do we try to write down simple mathematical models for systems that we know, and if we find analogous structure in species for which we do not have the capability to perform experiments, ask whether the mathematical models have all the necessary ingredients, and if not, try to make some conjectures about what’s missing or what they've added. Okay, interesting. Let me ask one last question, which is you’ve talked about all these different areas, like information processing computation, mathematics, dynamics and so on. So if someone wanted to become a complex systems scientist, how do they master all of these different fields? How can you do it? Yeah, that is a good question. I’m not sure that we do. Well, so the first answer is that we don't. Collaboration is key. And in fact that’s one of the really fun things about working in this field, because it really requires deep collaborations, and that’s part of what makes it so much fun. The other thing, of course, is just to throughout your career, not to lose track of other fields. I think that the human brain is remarkably flexible, and remarkably capacious and the way that our universities are structured sort of denies that fact, and says you have to specialize because you can’t make a contribution unless you only know about this group of proteins, and I defy that convention. I think that it’s not true. I think that people when interested can learn huge amounts, and there’s really an issue of time and structure, and I think part of the huge benefits of your course, of something like this making this information available online, is that people will have access to this information. So I think as a director of an institute, I go out of my way to try to promote seminar series, and courses, that have this kind of transdisciplinary quality. I think we have to find ways of rewarding people for pursuing this kind of work. I think we have to tenure people who work across disciplines. Yeah, that’s the hard challenge. There are some significant challenges ahead, but they’re just practical challenges, they’re not logical impossibilities. Well great. Thank you so much. This has been great. And I hope you don’t freeze too much in Wisconsin. I won’t. I have many, many layers. Alright. Thanks a lot. Thank you.