We have all seen this kind of situation. The crack in the wall. The ants coming into our kitchen or our bathroom, searching for food, and when they find it, being able to attract all their little friends so quickly so that they can collectively devour whatever we dropped on the floor. You have probably seen the vast trail systems that they can create in your backyard or in public park somewhere. Ants are really amazing in their ability to collectively forge for food in a very efficient way. We talked about this in a little bit in unit 1. And we are going to revisit here in this unit along with some amazing behaviors of ant colonies. So the basic idea of ant foraging, as we talked about in unit 1, is that ants come out of a nest and move around randomly in different directions. When an ant encounters a food source , it brings some food back to the nest. but leaving a pheromone trail. Where pheromone is a kind of chemical excreted by the ant that attracts other ants. Ants encountering the trail are likely to follow it in the abscene of reinforcement the pheromone will dissipate but as long as ants can continue to follow the pheromone trail and continue to find food, then they will continue to reinforce it. Here is a video of a famous experiment that has been repeated many times. in which ants are given the choice of two different paths to food a long path like this one. and a shorter path. Well the shorter path ends up attracting more ants, finally all of them because the pheromone is able to remain reinforced on the shorter side more than it is on the longer side. These ants going down this way Their pheromone evaporates often before other ants get to follow it. So here we go. You can see the ants very reliably following this trail. A few of them manage to go over here. There is some randomness in what they do. But for the most part, they are following this shorter path to the food. You probably remember this model, ants new. It concise of ants nests and three food sources and it models ant foraging along the lines of the algorithim I just described to you. So if we do go, we slow it down a bit. The ants go out from the nest if one of them encounters food, they are moving around randomly, if one of them encounters food they take it back to the nest laying a pheromone trail. Let's run that again, so we can see it more slowly and other ants are attracted to the pheromone trail. They will follow it, but if the trail is not reinforced by ants like if the food source dries up the trail evaporates eventually to this trail evaporating. But if there is still food along the trail, the ants will find it and they will reinforce the pheromone trail. So in this way the ants are able to build the kind of model using their trails to represent what they know collectively about their food environment. Using this model we can do an experiment to see what is actually the role of the pheromone in helping the ants find the food. So, to do that we are going to do a simple experiment. Where I'm going to turn off the pheromone. To do that I'm going to put the evaporation rate at its highest level which means that the pheronome will evaporate. so fast the ants can't sense it. So let's see what happens then So here the ants have no pheromone to sense. They are randomly finding food They are not interacting with one another and we will see how long it takes them. I just speeded it up This whole simulation stops when the food is gone. ok and it took them 538 ticks to find the food When there were five hundred ants. I'll mark that down here. We will say no pheromone, 538 ticks. To find the food. So know let's turn the pheromone back on again. We'll put it down to two. A very low evaporation rate. We will see how that effects the behavior. Of course because there is alot of randomness. If I really wanted to get accurate numbers here I'd have to this many times. I'm actually going to let you do that in your own homework and average the results. I'll do this informal test here. So we will see if there is a change in the time it takes for all the food to be gone and indeed it only took 415 ticks so we will say with pheromone 415 ticks. so this simplified model Let's have some intuition of the role of pheromone in helping ants efficiently forage for food Just to reiterate. for ants that are foraging at any given time the existing trails and the concentration of pheromone on those trails encode the colonies collective information about its food environment moreover the information is able to adapt to changes in environmental conditions once the food is eaten for example the trails will evaporate and if new food is found then new trails will be formed this way the ants are able to adaptively forage even in a changing environment. Now i want to briefly mention another kind of self organizing behavior in ant colonies and that's the notion of task allocation.. Deborah Gordon is a biologist at Standford University who has done extensive work on many behaviors in ant colonies. But in particular we are going to talk about her work on task allocation. According to her, talk allocation is the process that adjusts the number of workers engaged in each task in a way appropriate to the current situation task allocation operates without central or hierarchical control as a self organizing activity Gordon has studied task allocation in harvester ants particular kind of ant In this kind of ant workers in a colony divide themselves among a number of tasks Nest maintenance, looking around cleaning up the nest. here is a picture of a nest Patrolling, foraging, and refuse sorting and so on So here are some representative pictures of different kind of ants doing different kinds of tasks but the question is how it at any given time that ants decide tasks they should be doing. and it turns out that ants actually switch tasks. according to what is going on in their environment so the number of workers pursuing each kind of task adapts to changes in the environment due to weather, food availability, predators and so on. For example Gordon showed that the if the nest is distrubed the number of nest maintenece workers will increase and the number of foragers will decrease more ants are taking on the task of nest maintenaince. when it is needed and fewer are taking on the task of foraging and she was able to do this experiment by putting different toothpicks at different places around the nests and the ants really didn't like this evidently and so the number of nests maintence to remove the toothpicks increased. She also found that is the food supply is large and high quality the number of foragers will increase. In short ants are able to choose tasks according to what tasks need the most attention and they also look at how many other ants are already doing these tasks How do they do this? What is evident ants are not able to get the big picture of what is going on in their environment They only interact locally with other ants and have to learn about what is going on globally from limited interactions similar to the other self organizing systems we've seen so here is the question in a nutshull. How does an individual ant decide which task to adopt in response to nestwide environmental conditions even though no ant directs the decision of another ant and each ant interacts with a small number of other ants Well here is what Gordon found doing extensive experiments She found that ants decided to adopt a particular task such as foraging or patrolling or nest maintence as a function of two things 1. What they encounter in the environment. 2. Their rate of interaction with ants performing different tasks. An Ant might encounter a toothpick or some other debris on their nest. and that would possibly make them switch to do nest maintenece but also they are influenced by whatever ants they come in contact with Gordon found that ants could actually tell what job another ant is doing by sensing chemical residue on its antennae. of the other ant here is a little video that Deborah Gordon's research group took using a video scope inside an ants nest. and here you can see ants coming out of the nests and into the nests and actually touching each other with their antennae and that way they can sense what job another ant has been doing. if ants coming out of the nest sense. many foragers coming back with food. then they will be more likely to adopt the task of being a forager. So ants act as little statisticians. they measure the rate of interaction of ants they encounter doing different tasks those rates are one of the things they use to decide what tasks to adopt it's not known how the brain of ant is able to do this but its seem from the data that Gordon and her research collaborators have taken is exactly what the ants are somehow doing. So here is a little Puzzle Gordon and her colleagues observed that larger ant colonies are more deterministic and more consistent in task allocation than smaller ant colonies Why do you think this is? Pause the video for just a minute and think about it. Why would a larger aunt colony be in sense better at optimally allocating tasks in a consistent and deterministic way than smaller colonies Well the hypothesis that Gordon and her collegues put forth that ants in larger colonies basically can get better statistics on interaction rates because they have more samples each ant has on average more sample of interactions with other ants and so they get better statistics so next time you see ants in your kitchen, in your bathroom, or out in your garden. or even crawling on your leg. Just remember that ants are very brilliant, little statisticians. Think how great it would be take advantage of their statistical abilities.