So, I wanted to introduce all of you in the class to Professor James Meiss who is in the Department of applied mathematics at the University of Colorado and my good colleague and downstairs neighbor. Jim, I know you are particularly interested in the standard map. And we've been talking lately in the...that I'm teaching about maps. So can you tell us a little bit about what the standard map is and what is interesting to you about it. Sure, I'm happy to talk about my favorite dynamical system--the standard map. So, my background is in physics and the standard map is a good model for some very simple physical systems and one of them is imagine that you have a pendulum and ordinarily be rocking back and forth. If you don't do anything to the pendulum and there is no friction then it just rocks back and forth the same amplitude forever and ever. But if someone over here has a hammer. and occasionally in this situation gives it a kick periodically So, every time the ball, wherever it happens to be at t=1, the person hits it and at t=2 the person will hit it again and wherever it happens to be the amplitude of the kick is fixed but the hammer is more effective for different angles than other angles The kick will be more effective if say the pendulum bob is horizontal then you get a big kick. And basically ineffective if it's straight down. And give a negative kick if it's over here. The physics of this tells you just from Newton's equation that you can reduce this dynamics to a map a very simple map. Here, the angle is represented by this variable x. And, the angular momentum is represented by the variable y. And, so you get a two dimensional map that I've written down totally wrong here. There it is. And, the dynamics of this system is amazingly complicated So if the kick is 0, if parameter k is 0 then the angular momentum is constant. And that's reflection of the constant amplitude that I was telling you about. But, if the k is nonzero than you have complicated dynamics. which sometimes is regular and sometimes is chaotic and I think the interested thing about this kind of system which isn't dissipated is that there isn't just one. typical attractor for this system But is either strange or not strange But, an inter mixture of some orbits that's being chaotic and some orbits being regular all through the same fixed parameter. So, I have written a little program that if you have a macintosh computer you can download from my homepage. If you click on the programs link here There are several programs that I've written about dynamical systems One of them is the standard map program. And, just download it by clicking on the link here. It runs on most of the recent operating systems for mac osx. So, when you open the standard map program you see two windows. One is the phase space window and the other is a text window In the phase space based window the horizontal variable is x which is I showed you earlier is the angle of the pendulum and the vertical variable is y the angular momentum. And there is one parameter in the system we can access by this map parameters menu called k And, here I have just set parameter k to zero as the initial trial. If you click anywhere in the window you see immediately horizontal lines in this situation. These horizontal lines are actually consist of many, many points. So, if I instead of iterating continuously go to single step and go to initial condition you see a square where the initial condition is Then hitting the space bar, shows you one iterative of the map. So, the analytical formula says that the new value of x is the old value of x plus whatever y we happen to be at. Here the y is in the order of .3 So we move over to .3 and hit the space bar again The colors change but the new point is again the same distance horizontally over. Since, this is an angle, we wrap x around periodically. Now we are over here some place. Now we are over here some place. Opps, I think I clicked some place incorrectly. And if we keep iterating with the space bar. It begins filling in the horizontal line and if I go off to the find menu and do continuously it just fills in a horizontal line that indicates that initial condition So changing the value of this parameter k to something that is not zero Something that is positive where we have a kick We are kicking the system. Now, if I click somewhere in the window. The dynamical property of the orbit is quite different So when you click, Jim, you are setting an initial condition. -Yes, Exactly. Setting an initial condition. So, at different initial conditions have different behaviors. So here the initial conditions is near x = 0, which is where the pendulum would be oscillating So, the range of x is bounded and the momentum is positive and negative So these are oscillatory orbits. So up here, if I click with initial condition the pendulum is going over the top. And the interesting thing, is there are orbits that have a hard time of deciding if they are going to over the top or oscillate. And that's exactly where chaos starts to appear in this dynamical system So these are orbits on what we think of seperatrix in the case of an integrable pendulum this is an orbit where the pendulum starts with the bob at the top. It falls down crosses the down position and goes back up vertically to the top and the energy is preserved and it just asymptotic to the top position and stays there but when we are kicking it the kick isn't very large here but we are kicking it and that results in orbit that seems to fit phase space it seems to be chaotic If I hit the up arrow key I can just increment the value of K. Here, the size of the chaotic region seems to grow. Now, I mentioned before is what is really interested about these conservative dynamical systems is I think there is an intermixture of chaotic orbits and regular orbits So the regular orbits that you see here are these islands And there are lots of islands in the system and they are caused by what we think of as resonances in the Hamitonian dynamics So there is a resonance here for example that corresponds to three kicks per period of the oscilation -- And this kind is the resonance that causes planets to have interesting behavior as well. Yeah, so if we had a similar resonance between the period of Jupiter and the period of an asteroid Then, the asteroid, is effectively getting kicked every time it goes near Jupiter and gets kicked out of its orbit. Another interesting thing about the standard map is that there is a progression of bifurcations that cause this chaotic region to grow larger and larger And if I make the parameter k, and in this case let me type it in on the order of say 5. Then, the system becomes almost completely chaotic except for some small and irregular regions. If we continue to increase the parameter value k Those regions seem to be going away. --Do they ever completely go away? --No one knows. It's been proved for any particular value of k that's pretty large there are arbitrary close values of k for which there are elliptic orbits. Which are these islands. But, it seems like if I set k on the order 10 say the system as far as the computer is concerned is completely chaotic. We are filling one orbit here and every pixel on the screen is gone. It seems like the orbit fills the entire area. But if i increase k to be 12 in this situation. Suddenly an island--a visible island appears. And there are visible islands that appear for arbitrary large values of k. --So a whole chain of bifurcations but nothing like the period doubling in the logistic map. This is much more complicated --Yes, this is a different sequence of bifurcations. --Another thing you might be interested in on Jim's home page, is a link to the wonderful book that he has written about dynamical systems. --That's nice of you to say. So, I wrote this book for a class I teach for first year graduate students in applied math and anybody in engineering or science is interested in dynamics. --Thanks Jim --You are more welcomed. In his lecture, Jim used a couple of terms that we will talk about a little bit later into the semester So, I just wanted to give you a forward pointer and a quite explaination about those terms First of all, Phase Space this is a synonym for state space. State space is the very powerful representation that we use to describe the evolution of trajectories of dynamical systems. It's the space of axis of the state variables. For, the standard map, the state space looks like this And each point on that state space The ones that jim was putting down by clicking on his app represents a pair of values for x and y. and the standard map which was invoking with the click is a box of mathematics that takes a value for x and a value for y and tells you where the next point will be. So, the action of the standard map is to evolve the map one step at a time as scanitized by that red arrow. Of course the point doesn't actually follow the path of the red arrow. It just hops from one dot to the other. A separatrix is what it sounds like its a curve or surface in phase space that separates two separate regions. Kind of like the continental divide. Integrable is a loaded word. It basically means that the system is not chaotic that the equations cannot be solved in closed form. We will get back to this in the next unit. This is another nest of words that we will talk about later on dissipation is a more general term for friction. Dissipation of energy, lost of energy or technically a gain of energy. In systems that are conservative energy is conserved. Those are non dissipative systems Hamiltonian is a synonym for conservative So, if I put a non in front of dissipative those three words are synonyms. Dissipation is a necessary condition for contractors. You have to have dissipation for an attractor in your system because something has to eat up the energy and cause the energy to relax down to the fixed point where the chaotic cycle or limited attractor So in the logistical map where the trajectory is relaxing down to a fixed point that behavior lets you know the system is dissipative because there is an attractor there. The standard map that Jim was talking about is non dissipative, so there aren't any attractors. But, there is still chaos So just to sum that up. Dissipation, friction, is a neccesary condition for attractors but not for the existence of chaos. So, you can have chaos if you don't have chaotic attractors I'm not going to do a whole lot of hamiltonian dynamics in this course because we don't have time. But it is a rich field as Jim, I hope, suggested to you.